i got ful custody of my 2 year old son. i did th right thing and manned up and took care of the shit i caused. i love being a dad. teen pregnancies dont work if yor a fucking scmbag. lucky im not. straight up fool, if ur gonna do it, u need to be reay for what can happen. if ur not, that shows how immature and irresponsible you are.
and all of you taking this a joke..its not fucking funny. you guys are seriously sooo ignorant. bringing a child into this world isnt a joke. i have NO tolerance for this type of shit. i take parenting very seriously. you immature kids talking about killing babies and ----- fucking gross and morbid i hope i see ou all when you say thaat shit ill rip your fuking tounge out.
Just get the abortion. I woul rather have my parents mad at me than to end up like muse.
Teen pregnancies never ever work. Ever.
Not trying to ride your dick or anything BUT i totally agree. Especially bennet, you are disgusting talking about killing the baby like it's some joke.
This is all. To me, this is in no way funny.Buy the bitch a trampoline, Problem solved.
you immature kids talking about killing babies and ----- fucking gross and morbid i hope i see ou all when you say thaat shit ill rip your fuking tounge out.
This is all. To me, this is in no way funny.
Don't be so demeaning Bennet. I have an opposing belief that is based off the Bible and your beliefs are based off....idk not the Bible.Keep living your life the way you want. But don't worry about me.
And is this not being discussed openly?
Remember, a fetus is not a potential life. It is a life with potential. (According to me.)
if you get an abortion done early, all you're doing is destroying a small patch of cells, not killing a baby.
and maybe it worked for you, but a 16 year old kid has a lot more to do in life before bringing a kid into the world. going to college, taking care of a baby, and having a job to support said baby, plus all the expenses isnt something a 16 year old can deal with.
16 year old kids party and ----- it happens all the time, just because he made the mistake of buying too small of a condom doesnt mean he has to spend the rest of his childhood taking care of a baby.
and josh, using the bible as your source of morality really isnt too good of an idea seeing that it teaches you should kill just about every sinner in the world.
"It is a life with potential."
not in the hands of a 16 year old kid it isnt, the only potential for that baby is to fuck up the lives of 2 kids that really can't take care of it, and for its life to be miserable because its being brought up by kids that are not mature enough to handle it.
you people saying he should keep it must really want him to fuck up his life. if he thinks he can handle it, then its his choice, but if not he should have the right to an abortion, it's absolutely none of your concern.
This is all. To me, this is in no way funny.
Don't be so demeaning Bennet. I have an opposing belief that is based off the Bible and your beliefs are based off....idk not the Bible.Keep living your life the way you want. But don't worry about me.
And is this not being discussed openly?
Remember, a fetus is not a potential life. It is a life with potential. (According to me.)
I think we can all agree that humans are somewhat overpopulated, and even if they aren't yet, they will be soon since the population is growing exponentially.
We don't need unnecessary life. Being against abortion is just about the same as being against masturbation. Sure some of that sperm had potential for life. Who cares? Call me a horrible person for putting it that way but I'll still stand behind my views.
He's a 16 year old that fucked his girlfriend whilst drunk, possibly got her pregnant, and asked a scooter forum for advice on what to do instead of taking care of the problem while he still had time. Or even taking precautions beforehand. He's nowhere near an adult, he's an irresponsible idiot kid.
Ignorant christians refusing to accept the constitutional separation of church and state. Typical.
And god damn it, take the half of a second and add the 2nd "t" onto my name, it is right infront of you, spelling it wrong makes you look like an inbred alabama retard.