Nick Granger said:
idk. i dont like christianity/cathlic stuff. idk. people say that their christians and go to church every sunday and they go and kill some guy. wtf? they lie wtf? they give into lust
wtf? their envious wtf?
just people say they are a certain religion and dont follow up with their actions. that is the thing that makes the least sense to me, not if there is a god or not
what do the actions of christians have to do with anything? i grew up catholic, went to a catholic school for 12 year, and i hate everything about the catholic church, its full of assholes.
but that has nothing to do with me believing in god, though. i'm not even so sure about christianity, anymore. obviously jesus was a real person, thats a fact, but i'm not so sure if he's the son of god, that seems to be stretching the bounds of reality. but i have come to realize that it doesn't matter, he was an awesome dude that did great things for the world, and that's all society can ask of one person.
i've also come to realize that our universe is way too fucking crazy to just have been a random act. i also believe i've seen miracles in my life. call me crazy all you want, but i can't help but believe in some higher power that exists, somehow.