^^I already did that, but I wanna know what he thinks about the universe/everything in general and how it came to be and stuff, because from reading his stuff it seems like he HAS researched his shit as opposed to many others posting in this thread. I dunno, just I think we should have more of that in this thread and less fighting about stupid bullshit..
As for me though, I don't think any of the "holy books" we have nowadays should be taken as anything more than stories. But I do believe in some kind of higher power. But I believe that how the universe came to be could be the actions of some higher power, but I just 100% disagree with the creationist reasoning; it seems so un-complex and really all the crazy amazing shit that we have found out and yet have to find out about our universe in general to me proves that there is the possibility of some kind of god. Just think about it, all the biological processes that go on on our planet to bring about life that seem so complex to us as humans for me is proof that there is something out there that has such immense power that we cannot even comprehend, to give birth to an entire self-sustaining universe to contain life, etc. Seriously, just sit back sometime outside and just forget about everything else going on in your life and look at the big picture; just how amazing it is that by chance our planet earth was situated in the perfect place to allow biological life to grow and sustain itself on the planet.. It's truly amazing if you just think about it. But as for me I would say I'm anti-religious in the sense that I don't believe that we as mortals can even come close to comprehending what might be this higher power that gave birth to the universe as we know it, and then strut around preaching that we've figured it all out, etc, etc. which is what most religions are nowadays, when things are interpreted literally (ie. the bible).
And wow, that was pretty much one big run-on sentence.. hmm well that's my views condensed slightly I guess.. Not too philosophical I guess, but I choose not to give too much thought to it - I prefer to just live my life. Even though, it's always good to just sit back and relax and just think about the bigger picture, really takes your mind off things..