razor skatepark???

Ok so how long has razor been up and running since like 1998- 2000 somthing like that. This might sound like a beat idea to some, but i think it would kill if razor made a skatepark for ONLY SCOOTERS and RAZOR PRODUTCS. Just think how sick that would be. A perefect skatepark with all we will need to never bitch again about scooters not being allowed in some skateparks. If they did and it was a killer ass park i would love to see the look on the kids faces that wont get to ride it.. then they would no how we feel when we are not allowed in there parks.

So does anyone have a say in this? If so what

Matt Ogle

k well i dont know personally, but from what i hear, just forget the idea. i guarentte you that that is the last thing on razors to do list. but it would be tight


I own SR.
They wouldn't even put ramps in their warehouse for us let alone a skatepark. That will never happen because they are cheap and it would cost them more then it's worth.

Now petitioning every existing city skatepark in country to start allowing scooters or getting insurance that covers them would be a far better cause.
Yeah this will never happen. Have you ever been kick out of a part 4 scootin? all the parks here lets scooters beside liek 3 but the cops dont care any way. i only been kick out of one park in Lasvegas from some drunk secrity skate park guy. but i was worth it cuz it was pretty funny. and all the skaters and bikes where bitchin him out and shit because thy whanted me to stay. and thy all held off the drunk so my bro cood film me well thy talk to him.


hha y athat was so funny that guy was such a fucking meth case man [syco man haha hes probably dead in a ditch somwhere homeless bumm haha.

and razor scooters arent meant for ramps you crazy! on the warning stickers it even says somthing like "dont ride on inclines" and "dont exceed 12mph" and shit. why would they make a park? haha scooters on ramps wtf?
coryM said:
hha y athat was so funny that guy was such a fucking meth case man [syco man haha hes probably dead in a ditch somwhere homeless bumm haha.
Most likely because last time i went tehre he wasnt there any more.
the only parks we r not alound into are some indoor parks manily bcoz of insurance, they all like scooters just dont have the right insurace to let us ride...

brandon kilbury

Super Moderator
well the indoor park here never used to let us in besides renting outthe park, but i bitched at them constantly about it, emailing them and calling them at elast once a month asking why and telling them i think we should, and eventually they let us in one bike session, all the bikers liked it so were allowed in all of them now
No offence but I hate threads like 'Razor should make a ...'. No one here has enough powers to enforce razor to do something in any way, the creation of pro model seemed to be an exception but that one was quite obvious. Moreover a scooter only park would be hella stupid, as if it was any good, bikers and skaters would start bitching and not allowing scooters in their parks etc. Any park should allow anything.
you guys are weird.
the only place that scooters are actually allowed here is the indoor park <3.
i ride the concrete park every now and then but the sign says no scooters...but its like 30 min away and not that great.
i dont think the park would make enough money, not many people scooter. but itd be cool so no fuckin wood pushers or froot booters get in ur way
no bikers/bladers/ skaters really do . i ran into olny like 1 biker . so idc if they roam the park . the thing i hate is when little kids just stand in the park doing nothing . but as far as the razor park ideal i dont like it it because we would be doing the same thing that they did to us .


Steel Member
do u mean just one scooter park or all over the country. because its not worth traveling acroos the country to ride it. IMO. and they probally go out of bussiness with just scooters......