psh the angle is goode lol. i highly recommend the lucky deck to anyone thats looking for a new deck. its alot more comfortable then a tsi and a promodel
Can't get luckys in Australia. It's shit
haha the lucky deck i rode felt like 88 degrees or something took so many goes to just double whip flat the prick but can inward flat it no worries
District deck is fucking AMAZING... you guys are gonna shit bricks when it comes out.
do you have any more pics? front veiw and bottom pic?
psh the angle is goode lol. i highly recommend the lucky deck to anyone thats looking for a new deck. its alot more comfortable then a tsi and a promodel
not allowed to post em.
when are district deck being released? ive seen people at woodward who have them but where do u buy them? you havent seen people at Woodward who have Unless its Ryan Upchurch, because I am having him test one.
To anyone else asking Greg details on the won't be getting any until it is released. As I said, it is being tested right now, and is performing great considering its the lightest one piece deck on the market. Minor changes will be made before release.