The "This or That" thread!

Mr Currie

new setup just needs some new wheels


Bronze member
Just a quick question , cause i am not sure where to ask^^
Currently i have Blunt Stripper Bars. I orderd Apex Bol Bars yesterday , and i am not sure if its hard to get used to them. I like the width of them , but my Strippers have backsweep and the Bol Bars not , so i am scard that this might be a problem.


what are the best for all round?
proto sliders
proto grippers
phoenix wheels

phoenix if you want long lasting wheels
proto sliders if you want fast wheels
grippers if you want wheels that will wear an dehub quickly

i would get phoenix the only downfall is that they are a little slow but mine lasted me 7 months then i just got sliders because they were faster
but i sold them to my friend that still has them and they are perfectly fine after about 9 or 10 months