Here is my freshly built SS Reventon (5.25").
I think I'm going to switch it up though and put on my blue Scorcher forks, blue proto SCS, blue/white proto wheels, with raw bars/blue grips and see what that looks like. Ill post new pics when i switch it over.
(that is my son's MGP Nitro Ext in the background)
looks the same haha besides the scratches on the bottom
tsi flight 19
zg drop V's
vertx mag 110s
vertx clamp, getting it anodized red soon
After 3 weeks of riding/falling off/shredding?
anodizing is expensive you might as well buy a new half knuckle and you would still save like 25-30
what grips ?
by anodizing i ment that xmetalz krylon paint that looks pretty much like anodizing lol
poor mans anodize lmao