Steel Member
Anodize clamp red then get red grips
- Hic Epic Rewinds 22 high 19 wide black
- Purple Odi Longnecks/Thug plugs
- Oversized Purple Pro Comp Clamp
- Fsa Orbit Dl headset Sealed
- Epic Zero Offset Forks
- Black On Black Demon Core Wheels
- Bolted Pro Model;( New Deck soon though
- Fakey Brake
3rd Bump hahaha
thats like your 10th. its not even a nice scooter.
Bump because i canNew whip!!
Homemade bars, 3* backsweep 20 by 23
Best clamp ive ever had idk what its called
Fit stock integrated headset going on 1.5 yrs
Homemade beast fork, 4mm steel plates on the fork legs and .083 fork tube
District Dk2i
Painted fuzion wheels
Funny a woman. lol
The Stan Smirnoff is not for everyone but its perfect for me (6'-1" & 170lbs) Been wanting a wider/longer deck for a long time so i jumped on a SS reventon as soon as i could. Its def a sick deck.
You kids are so funny... Why would you care if some random person on a forum "is good" or not.
The only reason im into scooters is because we got my 4 year old one about year ago and he really loved it and wanted his dad to get one too and i enjoyed messing around on them.
Im 29yrs old, ive skateboarded, raced BMX, mountain bike, snowboarded, skied, raced motocross, snowmobiles,four wheelers, and just about anything else with wheels my whole life... so scooters are just another thing. Im not anything great, but i do things for fun.... not to prove how cool i am.
I have nothing to prove boys... just posting some pics of "my scooter".
well i ask cuz muse has spent $983787478 on scooters and im pretty sure shes not that good
I am a woman all-weld lol. i have like the same scooter