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  1. Anthσny

    Riding Pictures

    Do it^
  2. Anthσny

    Secret Forks ;)

    I posted this like a while before blunt forks came out.... CONSPIRACY?
  3. Anthσny

  4. Anthσny

    Scooter Week at Camp Woodward PA

    I met Dann Barret today.
  5. Anthσny

    Bending Phoenix Wedge?!

    My friend bent his a while ago.
  6. Anthσny

    Eye Sore Thread.

    I like those swish clamps. But then again I like grenades.
  7. Anthσny

    Oversized SZ Clamp and Scorchers

    No trades and No lowballing.
  8. Anthσny

    Oversized SZ Clamp and Scorchers

    I have a raw SZ overside clamp raw but it still has splash. Las I have raw scorches offer up bro. NEXT DAY SHIPPING INClUDING TRACKING.
  9. Anthσny


    Thanks you.
  10. Anthσny


  11. Anthσny

    Official: Post your scooter memes

    I kinda agree with the OP.
  12. Anthσny

    complete fs/ft

    Fuck I want those so bad. I'm going to sell my bars and I'll hit you up.
  13. Anthσny

    complete fs/ft

    What size are the bars?
  14. Anthσny

    complete fs/ft

    How much for the scs + bars?
  15. Anthσny

    what has this world come to

    Hahahahaha FUCK YEAH MERICA!!!!!
  16. Anthσny

    Proto retros?

    This was a pointless thread... They would feel exactly like any other t bar.
  17. Anthσny

    Strongest Deck on the Market

    Probs the district v1.
  18. Anthσny

    180 whips?

    You should catch the whip about half way through the rotation