For those of you reading this I'd like to welcome you back to The Scooter Resource and apologize for our downtime. Repairing, migrating and rebuilding a forum of this size was no simple task but we are finally satisfied with the final product. You will notice a few differences with the layout...
SAN and LAX are both international. Palomar Airport in Carlsbad is commuter and is about 15 minutes away.
I believe Jackson is arranging this.
SF is only 8 hours.
Outside of the forums is there any feedback for the News Feed ("blog") content. News, Articles, Reviews, Interviews, SOTM, POTW, VOTW. I already have a good idea of the direction I would like to see things moving in but feedback is welcome.
Will be happening shortly. If there are things you want to see added, changed or removed entirely, voice your opinions now so we can move forward. Gracias. Also all questions, comments, concerns, complaints and suggestions welcome. That's all.;)