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  1. Tyler Jones

    Photos of yourself

  2. Tyler Jones

    Sam Scott?

    Sorry dub post but here we go Everybody give it up for Sam
  3. Tyler Jones

    Sam Scott?

    Does anybody remember this guy? I remember his photo thread on theridewire was absolutely the best scooter pics ever taken. He would film Wyatt Howe a lot I'm pretty sure. Where did Sam go? He was sooooo good. I think his account was pleasantonian or something along those lines and he filmed a...
  4. Tyler Jones

    Presenting yourself.

    Just be nice. It's the easiest and toughest thing to do.
  5. Tyler Jones


    I call it "coming out of the scootering closet". My family, my close friends, my girlfriend, and my neighbors know I do, anybody else just internet stalks me.
  6. Tyler Jones

    Midwest dwellers pop in and say hi

    I've only ridden with one other rider ever at my local and he lives 100 miles away in Hannibal, Missouri. That is how bad the scene is.
  7. Tyler Jones

    Best Video of 2011?

    Hat Gang in Canberra
  8. Tyler Jones

    So last night..

    I LOVE both of those bands
  9. Tyler Jones

    Midwest dwellers pop in and say hi

    Pretty much anywhere in Illinois that isn't Chicago is not too hot either.
  10. Tyler Jones

    I need to know what im doing wrong!

    Adonnis Cooper is an OG I still remember that old video of you and Josh Young playing scoot
  11. Tyler Jones

    Merry Christmas video

    Hey guys you talk if about not pushing religion on other people, then you should respect him enough honor what he believes. It goes both ways. Just because God doesn't work for you doesn't mean you have to put down somebody else's beliefs. It just makes you look ignorant. I agree, the song...
  12. Tyler Jones

    Riding Pictures

    could you stop that.
  13. Tyler Jones

    Ben, Zac, and Kieran.

    That's like the best spot in the world
  14. Tyler Jones


    Crankslide bro this will explain
  15. Tyler Jones

    List of all online scooter shops in the us?

    Just go on Inside, look at the logos on the side, and start clicking on them. That's what I do
  16. Tyler Jones

    Andy Young - Little Blue Rail

    You have a long rail, use it. Every clip should be like 2:15. Everything else was straight steez. Props on taking the time to get all of those different rail combos down. You don't see many all rail videos so that was really cool!
  17. Tyler Jones

    Pros/Cons of Scooter Resource

    I miss the Ridewire. That was like scooter forum Utopia until it got hacked
  18. Tyler Jones

    Easiest Sponsor?

    This thread=laziness
  19. Tyler Jones

    Martin André.

    Everybody on Taravana shreds. You're so clean man it's amazing
  20. Tyler Jones

    2 Brothers- a Rail Shredder and a Park monster

    Wait yeah Jaime double check that. His back wheel was spinning towards his front side. He rides regular and he spun left so that should be frontside.