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  1. Tyler Jones

    Panny gs300 vs sony trv 900

    My thumb is hurt. I'm just saying that if you've seen somebody film with it then it's prob been cleared for being good for skating and not just soccer games or family reunions or whatever else people use camcorders for. And to Parker, no I have never seen a flip camera that had a pic of somebody...
  2. Tyler Jones

    2 Brothers- a Rail Shredder and a Park monster

    Yeah that haha. Got my fronts and backs turned around. Still crazy
  3. Tyler Jones

    anger problemos

    Take that anger, harness it, and land the trick. Take a bad thing and make it good. Some people can ride better when they're angry.
  4. Tyler Jones

    2 Brothers- a Rail Shredder and a Park monster

    front hurricane to fakie board(?) double downside out may have been the craziest thing ever done to a rail.
  5. Tyler Jones

    Evan Yamada OPUS, best video?

    Agreed. They are still amazing riders and I loved the videos, they were awesome. But if you told me those were their 2009 web edits I would probably believe you.
  6. Tyler Jones

    Panny gs300 vs sony trv 900 You could try that used one for $300 cause that's a steal. As a rule of thumb if the default pictures that you can look at of the camera include a picture of somebody actually filming skateboarding with it then it's...
  7. Tyler Jones

    Evan Yamada OPUS, best video?

    Mike's part wasn't as good as I thought it would be. It was still a great great video but it felt like the same kind of stuff that he's been doing for years. Like he could've filmed all of those clips a year ago if he wanted. I thought it would absolutely blow Evans and James's parts away but it...
  8. Tyler Jones

    why cant we have any legit scootering filmers?

    I see ConnorK's videos on youtube and some of them are soooo nice. That kids needs some more hype or something. Is footy is so good looking. Check-
  9. Tyler Jones

    Halloween costumes

    Yeah thanks man
  10. Tyler Jones

    Team shirts...

    I've ridden with skaters who have team "____" shirts so I don't really get the big deal it's not like we're the only ones with team shirts. I think they should wear them to comps cause that's pretty much like the time to show off companies and riders. At the park every day is prob pushing it...
  11. Tyler Jones

    Your Christmas List

    Skullcandy earphones Some flatwound jazz strings for my bass ProActiv Jake Shimabakuro's album Peace Love Ukulele A new disciple cross necklace A job Time with my gf
  12. Tyler Jones

    Your Setup

    Hahaha why were you filming a plastic tray?
  13. Tyler Jones


    Hey I have a couple of nice solid bolted pro models that you're free to if you want. Riden like a couple months but crazy solid, still good condish. I'll trade for the peg and shuffle if you're interested.
  14. Tyler Jones

    Halloween costumes

    I actually dressed up as a greaser. Went to school but never trick or treated or anything My greased back hair actually had a lot of swag
  15. Tyler Jones

    Bobby Pantano: Motivation

    I disagree with you for once. Bobby has had unique vid titles forever, it's not good or bad but it's part of his style so don't judge. Also if you like the video then say that, and don't just criticize to start off and then try to save your rep later by noting that you liked it, that's just...
  16. Tyler Jones

    World Craziest Scooter Tricks 14 # !

    World's craziest scooter tricks 15
  17. Tyler Jones

    Dread Edit

    Suuupperr good and STEADy. But I was waiting the whole time for the tricks to come... hahaha jk <3 u man
  18. Tyler Jones

    Your Favourite T-Shirts

    I love threadless I own all of these. Might buy some more soon
  19. Tyler Jones

    How long have you been riding for???

    Sometimes I get a little mad when I see insanely good riders and then the video description would say something like "he's been rider almost 2 years" and it's just kinda like damn, that was fast. I hope I'm not alone.