Search results

  1. N

    Idea For New Pros.

    i ride strips on the outside
  2. N

    foldy mod

  3. N

    Need major help?

    thewy have them at inward now
  4. N

    scream at school

    your absolutely dredful and i despise you for despising it screamo is the best to ride to
  5. N

    Inward Scooters Sponsor Video

    no conor davidson
  6. N

    Removing Starnut from Bars

    why did you have a star nut in stock bars?
  7. N


    get retros if you ride 16 or shorter or inwards cause retros take too long to ship get eagle wheels 110mm fw 100mm bw odi longnecks reinforce your deck (if you break decks) keep the stock brake you dont need a blade unless you want your scooter to look cool and reds bearings and your set!
  8. N

    wierd pro.. ?

    its gonna bend without that strip
  9. N


    why do micros look so ugly?
  10. N

    Dying new PROTO wheels

    tyler hays and spencer williams did the same thing it looks so dope.
  11. N


    what is the proto star for?
  12. N

    rad vultures

    no some other kid has/had them
  13. N


    how does the compression work? i dont get it
  14. N

    new wheels

    read the description they have plastic inserts
  15. N

    TSI One Piece Deck?

    i like everything on it except the brake. does it even wrk good.
  16. N

    TSI One Piece Deck?

    i like everything on it except the brake. does it even wrk good.
  17. N


    clean as hell Jon i love it