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  1. M

    fingerboard setups

    Jaaames[GCS] substance sells 1,6mm screw, they fit most non bearing wheels and are also kingpins and also sells1.5mm screws that fit bearing wheels and eurollts. And he accepts payments thru cash in mail or paypal or bank transfer. And to Tyler_Dill...
  2. M

    fingerboard setups

    Got this a while ago and forgot to post it here. Finally a deck that matches berlinwoods to me. Downtown Mellow decK Substance ultimates Riptape And to clear the question about my park. The Ok): plaza costed U$150,00 shipped The Ok): pallets I got for free The +blackriver-ramps+...
  3. M

    fingerboard setups

    I have a park too.. Half Blackriver-ramps half Ok): ramps pretty much. Its a fb plaza thing I desingned and the OK): Ramps owner built and some random BRR ramps. I used to have a bigger park with some random plastic ramps and some stuff I biult myself but I gave it to a friend and now I have...
  4. M

    fingerboard setups

    JUst got the deck and pallet from BRR today. Berlinwood normalles shape Riptape Riptape tunning Truck Tech Deck Substance Ultimate wheels. Yup... I love berlinwoods and this one feels better then berlinwood I previously had, I like the normal berlinwoods better then the wide ones...
  5. M


    I got myself a Mirra Co. Icon Option this to start bmxing and it just feels awesome its a sturdy and not heavy bike, way lighter then my friends bikes and it will last me a big while, not sure about the specif parts that comes with it,,, I know it has a 3 piece cranks, oversized spokes, gyro...
  6. M

    Dialed Pro Mod for Sale(With rads and other goddies)

    If you figure out how much shipping to Brazil will be and if you'll take paypal ill bid on it im willing to buy the whole scooters. But of course I'd like too see pictures first.
  7. M

    serious Guitar Hero players up in here?

    Search for the user priestmlh on youtube hes done 100% on almost evry song on expert including freebird end psychobilly freakout.
  8. M

    Pogo sticks? I have one

    Quoting a youtube comment on the pogo video posted by oscar. bozodaloverboy (17 hours ago) Marked as spam Damn dude, that is some GAY shit. I ride razor scooters professionally and usually people say it's gay. But damn, a fuckin pogo stick. Ride a Scooter I dont know who this person...
  9. M

    favorite football teams

    Hell yeah GO EAGLES!
  10. M

    fingerboard setups

    Thanks, tried filming tonight but im sick and gave up after filming one trick wich is here.
  11. M

    fingerboard setups

    Boosting the thread up. New trucks and wheels on a not new deck. Berlinwood wide Tech Deck trucks Riptape Riptape tunning Substance ultimate wheels My board rails My other berlinwood and Pries Classic And something i filmed 2 dys ago before i go the ultimates testing the...
  12. M

    Slayer, Megadeth and Children of bodom

    I have a shitload of complete megadeth albums on my pc . love em since 1994. And yeah cant forget Anthrax and Sepultura. Im pretty sure Slayer has a lot of its influence on Anthrax because some songs sound so similar and there this other old band who's I forgot they have a song called "Speak...
  13. M

    Your editing program

    Sonic Foundry VEgas Video 4.0 Adobe After Effects (for ramped slow-mos) I used to have Ulead media studio pro 7 it wa the first editing program I ever used its pretty easy to learn and has some pretty good features I recommend it for anyone thats wants do something that doesnt look bas (wmm)...
  14. M

    fingerboard setups

    Its all about personal preference I've been riding berlinwoods for quite a while and I just like they way long mellow decks feel, I could never go back to a deck shorter then 98mm my 100mm berlinwood just owns. But if you find holywoods better its your choice if everybody liked the same style of...
  15. M


    Damn I love ska mostly the ones in spanish. Ska-p The Locos Skaparapid La Familia Iskariote Agrupaxion Skabeche Desorden PÃ?Æ?Ã?â??Ã?â? Ã¢â?¬â?¢Ã?Æ?ââ?¬Å¡Ã?â??Ã?ºblico Dr. Calypso Los de Otilia Dr. ExplosiÃ?Æ?Ã?â??Ã?â? Ã¢â?¬â?¢Ã?Æ?ââ?¬Å¡Ã?â??Ã?³n Obrint Pas mallacan Los...
  16. M

    Fingerboard Stuff!

    Im getting substance wheels soon :) no more riding the old prototypes JÃ?Æ?Ã?â??Ã?â? Ã¢â?¬â?¢Ã?Æ?ââ?¬Å¡Ã?â??Ã?©rÃ?Æ?Ã?â??Ã?â? Ã¢â?¬â?¢Ã?Æ?ââ?¬Å¡Ã?â??Ã?´me sent to test now ill know how's the real thing.
  17. M

    Fingerboard Stuff!

    They do in Germany, Poland, Austria, not that you cant make too much out of it but those countries have their scene real big and the people involved in it are real commited to it. Brazil's scene is getting bigger and bigger but its still small compared to the european countries. At least our...
  18. M

    Your bike thread

    Third world representing aueheaauhea, they can steal with a lock around it will just take them a few more minutes... my town sucks as far as bmx bikes all the bike thieves want is bmx bikes specially if they are chromed no matter how bad it is if it shines on the sun that what they want... sad...
  19. M

    Your bike thread

    Mirra Co. Icon Option Master pegs
  20. M

    fingerboard setups

    I dont know what everybody's been talking about Loco my latest i bought The deck, Riptape, Bearings, Axles at and everything went fine he even gave me 4 gold bare screws for free.