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    Adult (23) Looking For Scooter

    Yeah thanks for your help guys. I'm in the process of ordering the TSI complete now and I'll just progress from there when the time comes. Thanks for all the support here guys, really appreciate it. Hopefully can return the favour someday.

    Adult (23) Looking For Scooter

    Forgot link?

    Adult (23) Looking For Scooter

    Christ I don't know why I didn't see this before. I've been on the TSI site for the past day. Thanks for the recommendation, This is looking really solid so far. A few questions though: - This comes with HIC, is it possible to switch over to SCS if I ever needed to? WOULD I ever need to? - How...

    Adult (23) Looking For Scooter

    Would you be able to show me ANY that come in these sizes? I can't seem to find any. And by "Base Scooter" are you referring to a full complete that I'd have to swap out the bars on? What would be an example of a complete that you'd recommend based on what we've discussed in the thread thus far?

    Adult (23) Looking For Scooter

    Alright I've just gone through all these and I've realized that even if I order everything I don't have any tools/idea on how to assemble everything. Are there any completes that you'd recommend for me to ease this process? Or are there any guides you could provide for assembling all these...

    Adult (23) Looking For Scooter

    Awesome thanks for confirming. Will definitely start digesting all of this.

    Adult (23) Looking For Scooter

    I longboarded there for a few months and had a few instances of my board slipping out from underneath me as if I was on ice. Does the same hold true for scooters? I can only imagine it's the same, if not WORSE since we're on 2 thin wheels as opposed to four flat wheels.

    Adult (23) Looking For Scooter

    Also, if you're still around, what's it like riding in Vancity with all the rain? Will actually be heading out there in ~6months so this is probably a much more important question than I realized.

    Adult (23) Looking For Scooter

    Nah if I'm going to invest in one it'll be a quality product that can handle tricks and fucking around then it should be able to. Then of course function as a mode of transport after the fact.

    Adult (23) Looking For Scooter

    It's mainly going to be used for commuting, sure let's label it that way. However, when the time comes where I want to open it up and actually have some fun on it I want it to be able to handle everything just fine. So why not build it as such so that it's ready and willing for Friday night...

    Adult (23) Looking For Scooter

    I'll definitely be cruising but when the time comes where I need to hop a curb or streetcar tracks daily (Toronto is covered in them) I don't want the thing exploding into pieces. But then I'll also put it through it's paces if I'm riding it casually. I can just imagine one of those "Adult...

    Adult (23) Looking For Scooter

    Wow thanks so much for all this effort, really going above & beyond here. If you've got the time, would you mind explaining why you've picked each item since this is all very new to me?

    Adult (23) Looking For Scooter

    Ahaha I apologize for my use of "pro" but you know what I mean. Let's call them trick scooters then. =) TSI/Phoenix decks and TSI/Affinity bars. Noted. Will go look into these now. Do most bars fit most scooters? Or does each brand of bar/scooter have different widths they'd use to avoid...

    Adult (23) Looking For Scooter

    Hey team, Been lurking around for a few days and the only things I've been able to find on the topic are as follows: - Adult scooters are large, have bigger wheels, fold, are used for commuting and are cheap. - Freestyle/Trick/Pro scooters are small, built like tanks, don't fold, and are more...