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  1. Tylerr.

    play it or delay it

    play? "Yellow cat (slash) Red cat" - Say Anything
  2. Tylerr.

    Ban the person above you

    banned cause stefan is in your signature
  3. Tylerr.

    Lucky NW 4130 Fork Threadless and ICS. TRADE FOR HEADSET!!!

    i dont need a camera... and i ment of the ipod hahaha
  4. Tylerr.

    Tailwhip 180

    huck the 180 and make sure your spining fast enough to complete the rotation then throw the whip and catch it asap
  5. Tylerr.

    I just hit my girlfriend

    yeah i was like wait wtf.. why would he post this on sr haha
  6. Tylerr.

    Thom Cat vs. Extreme Fork

    i think there both great inwards have proven to be amazing and thom cats are new in the game but there legit..... i would still go with lucky... :)
  7. Tylerr.

    lucky 4.0

    there beasttttt
  8. Tylerr.

    not enough tutorials?

    think of it this way... you need training wheels to ride a bike.. once those are off your own your own. With scooters theres only tuts on basic tricks because after learning whips, bars, 3's and other basic stuff your on your own. Then you gotta get your shred on and learn shit for yourself. if...
  9. Tylerr.

    I just hit my girlfriend

    i fell for it haha
  10. Tylerr.

    bars taller????

    buy new ones or get an SCS and put a broken forktube in your bars
  11. Tylerr.

    not enough tutorials?

    why do you need a tutorial? wont that just make your riding less and less unique doing the same tricks the same exact way as every other person? whip bars/bar whips are common sense. throw a bar catch the bar throw the whip catch the whip or vise versa. Come on people.
  12. Tylerr.

    Lucky NW 4130 Fork Threadless and ICS. TRADE FOR HEADSET!!!

    I mostly want a nano. videos are huge in your pocket when you wanna get your shred on.
  13. Tylerr.


    lmao it is stan
  14. Tylerr.

    Epic Weekend Video 2! 951/DXG/friends/george justiniano/951 Teaser 2

    to bad yous a bitch and didnt go to claire haha <33333
  15. Tylerr.

    LUCKY scooters **official thread**

    see but your gay evan
  16. Tylerr.

    Rad Bars

  17. Tylerr.

    Lucky NW 4130 Fork Threadless and ICS. TRADE FOR HEADSET!!!

    nah dude. i have too much scooter shit haha thanks for offering though. unless you wanna trade me an ipod
  18. Tylerr.

    Lucky NW 4130 Fork Threadless and ICS. TRADE FOR HEADSET!!!

    ILL ONLY TRADE FOR AN IPOD OR HEADSET Well i need money for concerts and shit. So yeah. I bought this new like a month and a half or two months ago. They go for 55 new. I only got to ride it a couple weeks cause i suck dick at working compression and im selling with ICS because im riding...