Search results

  1. Micah.

    are c4 wheels any good?

    Nonononononononononononononononononononononononononononononono. Do not
  2. Micah.

    Foam pits in SD?

    FACK. Oh well
  3. Micah.

    Bunch of cheap parts

    Specs on all three bars and I'm interested in black scs or tilt
  4. Micah.

    Parting out sick complete. Tilt forks, Proto wheels, Aos v2 deck

    Are you parting? And what are the specs on bars?
  5. Micah.

    kilean pernsteiner phoenix combo centest

    Holy fuck that last trick and the bar to nosy was insaneeeee
  6. Micah.

    War Thunder- It's Free, Thank Me Later Boys ;)

    Bump, stupid bots
  7. Micah.

    Foam pits in SD?

    Wanted to put this in skateparks but no one posts and I need an answer quick. I reallyyyy wanna learn backflips and fronties and I'm heading to sd this break. If someone could direct me to a foam pit around here, I'd really appreciate it. Also if you wanna meet up and ride pm me
  8. Micah.

    Test, just a test

  9. Micah.

    things you HATE

    Erasable ink
  10. Micah.

    Bars, big boy bars, wheels

    22.5 out of scs? No thanks mate :/ and I prefer grippers
  11. Micah.

    Eye Sore Thread.

    Ahhhh cropley, the original failed abortion of scooter parts
  12. Micah.

    Bars, big boy bars, wheels

    Mmmm those have no back sweep right?
  13. Micah.

    Bars, big boy bars, wheels

    Nty mate
  14. Micah.

    Bars, big boy bars, wheels

    Half an inch makes a tonnnn of difference ;)
  15. Micah.

    San Diego Area Parks

    Hey man, same! I'm going to sd on spring break, we should meet up
  16. Micah.

    I think I almost got jumped for riding a scooter

    Bars are fuckin lethal with metal bar ends hahahaha
  17. Micah.

    Gnarly street spots

    Yeah man you could flow those two inch ditches nice
  18. Micah.

    The combo post game.

  19. Micah.


    Yeah not bad, wonder how it compares to razor?
  20. Micah.

    Bars, big boy bars, wheels

    I don't want your tiny bars, 20 wide feel tiny. And oh Austin if someone else was selling hic bars I'd take you up