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  1. Micah.

    Your High School

    I'm a nobody. I know, I know, sexy-ass me? I just don't want to be like the rest of my pre-evolutionary peers who legitimately use yolo and swag in every sentence. Btw some sub normal Neanderthal is thrashing my seat with his massive ape feet AS I WRITE THIS FUCKING MESSAGE
  2. Micah.

    Google vs. Bing

    Best thread NA
  3. Micah.


    Duuuddde fuck chemas get the new razor yaks
  4. Micah.

    Best Edit To Ever come out of clairemont

    Wait were you there when I was there? I was the noob with black suicides lol
  5. Micah.

    Lots of parts and stuff

    Are the quakes ovalizes at all?
  6. Micah.

    the almanac #17

    Lol the cooler was fucking awesome
  7. Micah.

    Aaron Ngo TSI Serjey Noga Signature Deck Contest

    Aaron owes me tilt chromos :p
  8. Micah.

    War Thunder- It's Free, Thank Me Later Boys ;)

    Update 1.29 is out yeeee
  9. Micah.


    What bars are those, sick setup
  10. Micah.

    What is the most annoying thing about your scooter?

    Headsets are also fucking annoying as shit. Keeping them clean and spinning nice requires taking apart your scooter usually -__-
  11. Micah.

    Your review.

    Would be nice if there were more activity in this thread
  12. Micah.

    Eye Candy. (do not post your own scooter!)

    Tom cirbee jelly, as he should be. Sexyyy
  13. Micah.

    What is the most annoying thing about your scooter?

    Fucking spacers oooohhhhhh they piss me off soooo much.
  14. Micah.

    Complete + a lot of parts

    I'm digging the addict bars and district bars, but not the backsweep
  15. Micah.


    It's because of that ------ ass obey sticker
  16. Micah.

    Hi im jmob and i like to scam!@#

    This guy needs to die. Anyone got an address?
  17. Micah.

    OUT NOW: The 777 Project Movie

    I was better than the first two guys in this video and I suck. I will admit that. This was worse than the Lutheran cult my girlfriend makes me go to. I like the message, but it just wasn't great for a full length movie :/
  18. Micah.

    Vienna Revival feat. Florian Toegel and david tiefenthaler

    Make it viewable on mobile
  19. Micah.

    Bars, big boy bars, wheels

  20. Micah.


    10000th post in this thread yay!