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  1. S

    Proto Orion

    I love my district and im 180 pounds holds up perfect for me. Long the Length but it's because I'm taller and have bigger feet. 4.0 decks are ehh. If you like the feel of them sure. .3 inches makes a big difference.
  2. S

    Ultra pro plastic dropout inserts?

    ^^ they don't fit I have tried.
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    v2i's with a zero offset is amazing for hang 5's and nose manuals.
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    ^^ this. learn with your foot on the head tube and slowly take it off as you get better. Also set up cones or use the cracks on the ground to measure distance to get farther and farther. also try it at a skatepark it's easy to learn on smooth concrete.
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    Headset Problem

    once you get your fork off use a hammer and a flat head screw driver and hammer the side of it. To get it on use oversized bars to slam down on it. Phorx are a bitch to get fork races on and off.
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    Top Cap?

    yes it's fine.... Think your situation through more. if it has a built in top cap obiously it was supposed to. Not trying to be a dick but still.
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    Seth Harrison - "Hat Trick"

    you have a sick style man. work on catching your bars better. Try double whips off curbs and get all of your tricks into, in, and out of fakie
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    inward bri help

    You like throw it to your armpit and then do an X-up if that makes sense. and throw it hard and forward. also keep your feet together.
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    bar twist

    I can do them on both sides. It's really just prefrence.
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    He's been posting for awhile haha
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    ^^ You seriously need to cut it out. You're not funny at all and all you're doing is derailing a thread.
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    bar twist

    you need to twist it farther away
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    The "This or That" thread!

    ^^ phorx or scorcher
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    What you got for your scooter for christmas thread

    ^^ haha it should be what you got for the holidays thread.
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    You just landed a prime trick, you're on top of the world, post here.

    I highly doubt this after a week....I don't think it's possible.
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    Help with bearings/spacers!

    I don't get how people break bearings. I've rode the same ones for a year now. It's all about correctly putting them in with SPACERS.
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    I feel Good, Payne park HD

    I loved it each kid had his own unique style! Some kids do bartwists, some like bris, some do bar combos! great video
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    Help with bearings/spacers!

    They seem fine and for 2 dollars where could you go wrong?