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  1. GraysonD!!

    Phoenix Session... I guess I'm back.

    Bro you don't know what you are talking about at all there getting rid of some stock so they have more room in the shop.
  2. GraysonD!!

    How to use addict fork with scs?

    Have to cut the top off then put a starnut in it.
  3. GraysonD!!

    Phoenix Session... I guess I'm back.

    He is talking about a complete scooter not just the deck
  4. GraysonD!!

    Phoenix Session... I guess I'm back.

    I loled sooo hard like really.
  5. GraysonD!!

    Rad is possibly done making bars

    Dub post but you guys cone to conclusions to fast
  6. GraysonD!!

    Rad is possibly done making bars

    I asked stan on fb and said he dosent know if there closing and he said that his sig bars are coming out soon soooo.
  7. GraysonD!!

    Your Christmas List

    Money money money oh wait more money and money.
  8. GraysonD!!

    Rad is possibly done making bars

    Bro read the last sentence out loud ready "this is for people in the USA only"
  9. GraysonD!!

    Riding Pictures

    I bare I barely saw it and it looked like something other then a maddgear
  10. GraysonD!!

    Riding Pictures

    Exactly why I said as I can see get it that I can seee!!!!!!!!!! Read before you hate
  11. GraysonD!!

    Riding Pictures

    I didn't know it was him as he wasn't riding his MADD GEAR that I could see.
  12. GraysonD!!

    Riding Pictures

    Haha so funny not. what's so cool/funny about that
  13. GraysonD!!

    Beginner Scoot.

    Bro look when this thread was started a year ago
  14. GraysonD!!

    Micro Australian Tour 2013 feat BenJ Friant

    Good riding but looks like it was filmed with a potatoe
  15. GraysonD!!

    Best bars for bri tricks?

    Get some apex Bol bars there the best and you look street with them on you setup even if it's a MADD gear.
  16. GraysonD!!

    Eye Candy. (do not post your own scooter!)

    I totally thought they did it in purpose because thats a big difference to have on accident.
  17. GraysonD!!

    Eye Candy. (do not post your own scooter!)

    Those were both out then he switched to a lighter blue for the deck but kept the darker blue on the bars then it made it look terrible.
  18. GraysonD!!

    New Addict additions

    Post a pick of the new deck i cnt see them
  19. GraysonD!!


    Dang man can I get a steal of a deal for one I will pay you .09 cents. Wait there's more I will buy two for .18 cents. Just let me know and we will have a deal.
  20. GraysonD!!


    What did u do to ur 22