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  1. GraysonD!!

    Street Riding and Police

    If your being serious a curfew is if your under a certain age then theres a time you have to be at home or with a kid 18yrs or older. For me 15 yr olds theres a curfew at 10pm 13 at 9pm etc etc.
  2. GraysonD!!

    Urbanartt bars?

    I seriously lolled so hard why put the title as urban art bars and a question mark then say I love mine. Long story short what is this thread about or you just trying to get more posts.
  3. GraysonD!!

    I got 100 bucks

    Bro tht sounds like a decision to me.
  4. GraysonD!!


    Is that a bronze hammer head or titanium??????!
  5. GraysonD!!

    things you HATE

  6. GraysonD!!

    Rad is possibly done making bars

    Cool thank you
  7. GraysonD!!

    things you HATE

    That's dumb
  8. GraysonD!!

    Rad is possibly done making bars

    Whats the difference from rads to his sigs.
  9. GraysonD!!

    reventon vs ethic Help

  10. GraysonD!!

    things you HATE

    Well then why did u ask smart a**
  11. GraysonD!!

    things you HATE

    He is confused.
  12. GraysonD!!

    Gnarly street spots

    Smaller would be better but i guess thats ok.
  13. GraysonD!!

    things you HATE

    How I'm going to have another surgery for my cleft palet. Doing dishes Especially when you have a huge dinner party. Kids who over use yolo Or kids who just use yolo. When my scoots undialed My bearings and how they never last. Zach poon My high school When i get my phone taken away...
  14. GraysonD!!

    Gnarly street spots

    Lolz he means to make your signature the thing under your posts where you have that huge picture where it takes up my whole entire screen on my iPad and make it blank or make that picture smaller or a lot smaller to be exact.
  15. GraysonD!!

    Official Legit List

    I'm legit ask foster T and Tyler D
  16. GraysonD!!

    Riding Pictures

    The sad thing is how many ppl though that was real on Instagram.
  17. GraysonD!!


    Its a 3 in scs so it raises 1.5in
  18. GraysonD!!

    Rad is possibly done making bars

    Im not hating you because you scooter we all do its just tht you argue over everything and say everything good sux and say stuff that you dont even know about n
  19. GraysonD!!

    Rad is possibly done making bars

    Zach poon summary a retard who is anoyying and has 40 post in the last 5 days and 73 post in total in 20 days when ive been a member for almost 2 years and have 65 posts like this if you think this kid is anoyying.