try using the new scooterzone website. It's a lot better. Either that or the vault or freestyle depot. I've ordered from all 3 with no problems.
What is the purpose of traveling around the world to tell other people about your religion? It's said that if someone is unaware of your "god", that they wont be punished after death for not believing. So why tell them?
the design is easy to make, works good, and doesnt look bad. thats why.
and i rode pegs on my ultra pro fork without running into problems, so i think you should be fine running pegs on a striker. it really just depends on how you ride though.
if you do a lot of grinds, you should look into a boxed deck. maybe a phoenix session, district v2i, or an aosv2 sig if you like light decks, or a tsi threshold if you dont mind a little extra weight.
for me, its easier to come at the rail straight on. and try to focus a little more on your feet instead of your hands. kinda like as of you were going to boardslide on a skateboard. idk, thats just what helps me.
go with either phoenix or ethic. both brands are great, and you really cant go wrong with either one. i would stay away from envy/blunt since the brand's been known for cheap quality.
ive always had weak ankles, and early last year i twisted one so bad that i had to be in crutches for 2 weeks. every since then ive worn ankle braces literally every time i ride. i have some protec braces that i got from tactics skateshop. i'm on my second pair, since my last ones wore out.