Search results

  1. issac p

    buying a vx2000 what do i need

    Vx's aren't great beginner cameras. You should probably look into something else.
  2. issac p

    v2i headtube angles

    Headtube height differences can also change the way the hta feels
  3. issac p

    v2i headtube angles

    Yeah, they're all 82.5
  4. issac p

    what wheels to get?

    Id wait for the tilt wheels.
  5. issac p

    Where to get stuff powdercoated?

    Check your local yellow pages or use google maps.
  6. issac p

    Proto sliders Rawing problem

    If you left the bearings in when you rawed the wheels, you probably messed up the lubrication in the bearings. Re-lube them and you should be good.
  7. issac p

    Good bars for street riding

    Addicts, crows, rewinds, heptrons, coopers
  8. issac p

    Making a grind plate

    That actually looks really nice.
  9. issac p

    Problems with Dying wheels

    the oven cleaner can mess up your bearings.
  10. issac p


    its just the newest batch. i dont think tsi changed anything else. still a v2.
  11. issac p

    Problems with Dying wheels

    try rawing the cores again
  12. issac p

    Forum Changes!

    everyone move to trw.
  13. issac p

    v2i wierd

    I would just take everything apart, regrease everything, then put it back together.
  14. issac p

    fasen spiral bars

    Wow. Nobody should trade with you just because you said this. Show some respect dude.
  15. issac p

    Fasen IHC fork

    I wouldn't trust ihc
  16. issac p

    fasen spiral bars

    This should be locked until you have pics with time stamps. I'm not suprsised a mod hasn't told you that yet haha
  17. issac p

    WTT OR SELL-Vans, Elyts, Nike's and more!!

    Size 129 nike's?
  18. issac p

    AO grind plate

    the epsilon deck comes in 3 different lengths, so they must make the plate in 3 sizes as well.
  19. issac p

    Making a grind plate

    That's not really fair if he's grinding unwaxed stuff haha I would try to get some strong double sided tape first, and if that doesn't work, which I don't think it will, then you can drill 4 holes in your deck. 2 in the front where they won't promote cracking, and 2 in the dropouts.
  20. issac p

    What is the most annoying thing about your scooter?

    Trying using some low grade threadlocker.