'Kicks is a slang word for kickless rewinds''
''Scooters are a fucking disease'' 5 minutes go by ''can I ride your scooter?''
''What wheels are those?'' shitty new eagles that i get asked for every day
can't do finger, 3 whips or fullwhips, but whip bars you just have to catch the whip really early and just commit to the bar, like don't pussy out on that bar, I had problems doing the bar afterwards, but when you commit, it's not that hard actually
This internet hero started fighting because he thought purple parts make people gay. Flocka, first of all you are a homophobic douche and second, purple parts can look good on scooters with different colour schemes and riding them does not make you gay. If anything, you are brave riding purple...
when the weather is too hot to ride, but the sea water is too cold to go to swim
when people play their shitty music outloud with speakers or x-minis or whatever at the skatepark
when ledges, rails, quarters aren't waxed and you have no wax with you