Search results

  1. M

    Skate, Skate 2, Skate 3.

    I've played skate 3 to shit twice now. Is skate 2 better?
  2. M

    Smart phones and tablets

    You obviously have no idea. If people aren't buying them they aren't getting as much money, regardless of the reason people aren't buying them. It makes me happy because it's less money going to apple. I guess apple wouldn't care about that though right, because it means people have already got...
  3. M

    Horse does a tre flip

    lol, the thread title is probably one of the finest I've seen.
  4. M

    Iphone 5

    Probably a lumia 800, the 820/920 will flog the shit out of it in general. It even sports a new OS, the lumia 800/900 (1st wave) uses a windows 7 based mobile interface whereas the 2nd wave lumias (820/920) use the full Windows phone 8 OS. And how is it shit? Mind expanding? I'm sorry but I...
  5. M

    dirt scoot adversity/support

    I also am looking for a DJ that rides scooters, but I can't find one :(
  6. M

    is grenade scs good

    A SCS can't really be better than another one, depending that it does it's job how it should, which the grenade SCS would. They just look like balls.
  7. M

    bad spelling , bad spelling every were

    Stop blaming technology for your bad spelling and grammar. Didn't your fourth grade teacher tell you to look over what you wrote before you handed it in? I didn't watch the video, just wanted to comment on the 'autocorrect' conspiracy.
  8. M


    The old 'rotating deck to the back of the ankle' injury today trying to double whip off a seat next to a wall. Fucker hit the wall and bounced back the wrong way right into my leg. She is quite the purple bruise.
  9. M

    What's so bad about flyout?

    It rapes your parts. Its kind of like them kids that sit in a corner and go 20-2 in cod, they think that they are really good but in reality they're Doing it in a way that they can't loose. Fly out is fine for messing around or getting a certain motion nailed, just don't whore I all day.
  10. M

    What Do You Like To See In An (Extruded) Deck?

    But I didn't create the topic intending to receive input of every kind from any person. I'm not going to argue, you're right. It's bullshit. Maybe I was wrong. Fuck if it's bullshit tell that motherfucker that it's bullshit. I'm such a silly person.
  11. M


    I feel bad when I don't ride. It makes me mad cause I used to love it but now I just do it every now and again when I'm bored.
  12. M

    Fork shakes until I tighten it so much that it barely spins

    Take it apart (Headset), clean it, then re-grease it. Don't use a really thick grease, take a look at what's on there now (probably nothing now, WD40 kills grease) and try to go thinner if you can. Don't use 3in1 oil or sowing oil on your headset, it's too thin and will just run off within a few...
  13. M


    Well, minus that fact.
  14. M


    That's what happens if you get floppy dick syndrome halfway through committing to the rotation. Commit, and chances are you will come out of it fine, even if you don't land it. Oh yeah, and don't let go. Personally I've never tried a front flip, but the same generic 'Commit and don't back out...
  15. M

    What Do You Like To See In An (Extruded) Deck?

    I'm sorry if I'm being a dick but if you ask for peoples input you have to listen to all of it, no matter how bullshit you think it is. I know you said that you appreciate the input but you can't just really throw it back into peoples face. I personally agree with you, the 'wider at the bottom'...
  16. M


    I like it how your backup scooter is better than my actual scooter.
  17. M


    My 2011 scooter. Haven't rode this thing for a very long time until a few days back. EDIT; Yes, the bars are banana-ed backwards and the left handle is also bent down.
  18. M

    You just landed a prime trick, you're on top of the world, post here.

    Tail whip catch off a curb. Starting to film next week.
  19. M

    Favorite Deck Width

    3.8 is where its at.
  20. M

    What was your first scooter?

    Some old JD bug that I got for christmas of 01 or maybe 02. My first actual riding seriously scooter was a razor pro model in 08. Bolted up that foldy, put some hot glue in the wheels and a trolley bar through the stem and I was set to go.