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  1. M


    I'm seeing all of these beautiful scooters and I don't even recognize half of the parts :/ I've been out of this for far too long. Haven't changed a single thing on my scooter for over a year.
  2. M

    Bus drivers not letting you on bus with scooter

    Everytime you go up a hill it means you have to go down the other side. It's not really that far, I can do 15km's in about 75 mins
  3. M

    Bus drivers not letting you on bus with scooter

    Wow, I remember this thread. I don't really ride much anymore, I skate now. I used to catch buses everywhere but now if it's under like 15Km I just ride. It's hilly where I live, which sucks, but skating is fun.
  4. M

    ****new forum rule. Everyone read this now.*********

    You sir, can get fucked. I'm joking, but seriously, is this necessary? Some people have no street smarts when it comes to the internetz.
  5. M

    Bearings are getting ****ed up

    Don't use a hammer. lol. Thats like trying to fit a baby in a lunchbox with a chisel, it won't really work and you will make a mess of everything. Use a front axle, and put old bearings on either side of the new bearings, then tighten that bitch up. Oil the slots if that helps.
  6. M

    Scooter Maintenance?

    I wait until something needs fixing, and then I fix it. There is no need to fix the unbroken, young one. No but seriously, I clean and oil my bearings (and headset) like every month or two. Had the same bearings for 1.5 years now and they still roll like new.
  7. M


    It's all about flying.
  8. M

    Snapbacks. Who wears em?

    I guess you just cut a semi-circle out of the back and get your GF to sow one of the snap things on?
  9. M

    Grow up.. IDIOTS.

    They're just jealous that scooters are taking over. I don't really care though, I'm done caring after the "trade in a scooter" scheme.
  10. M

    READ: If you can't decide...

    I remember this thread hahaha, started out as a joke. To answer your question; Definitely something 110. For speed and stability, and cause generally bigger is better. Alot of people go for eagles, if you do I'd recommend signature eagles, cause they have thicker bearing slots that help...
  11. M

    best width for barspins?

    Personal preference. 19 or 18 wide is my favorite width. Go like 20 high, maybe 22.
  12. M

    Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

    Haha. It's ok, it's so so so easy to level up in MW3. Just rush in Search and Destroy with the UMP or PP90.
  13. M

    Threaded headset help!!!!!!!!!!!

    You can use threadless headsets, you just tighten it with the top locknut you already have. If your dad is a bike mechanic he should know how to install them properly without damaging it. Hit up ebay for a FSA or a cane creek, you can get them for like <$30. I got a thread-less cane creek for...
  14. M

    Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

    I'm like second prestige level 50 or something with a 1.45 KD. I rush in search with SMG's and assassin. loool
  15. M

    rust proof bars?

    You could also take them to a powder coating place. Local bussiness near me does bike frames for 50 dollars, he did my mates MGP deck and my bars together for $30.
  16. M

    just another reason to WEAR YOUR HELMET!

    damn haha. I never hit my head, It's always my fucking arms getting broken. Twice in one fucking year.
  17. M

    Snapbacks. Who wears em?

    Just bought a NY knicks snapback. Probably will be to embarressed to wear it in public though.
  18. M

    Your bike thread

    That actually might be what I was thinking of. Do you have a link to the video? I'm sure someone put like massive bars on a MTB though and made a cute little edit at their local. Ehhh, I'm confused.
  19. M

    Snapbacks. Who wears em?

    I still rock the 59fiftys. And I have a couple of flexfits.
  20. M

    How to Fix Bent Bars? Please Help!

    Well if your worried about fucking up a part you won't be able to fix it. And if it's already bad enough for you to ask people you don't know to help you, then how could you make them worse? Put them in a vice, not to tight so you don't squash the cross bar, and bend them with a mallet or by...