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  1. M

    What do u bring to the skate park

    helmet, allen keys, massive ass candle, rockstar energy drink, a hot glued pro mod wheel and a few new bearings. Money aswell if that counts
  2. M

    fat kid owns bully

    Tis a load of bullshit. Put them both in a ring together and let them go, who really gives a fuck?
  3. M

    new deck from razor?

    You can't say that when you haven't ridden it. Let alone seen it.
  4. M

    Crazy Australians!

    Haha there was like moss and green shit everywhere in that thing. Looks fun though. What would happen if they went off the end?
  5. M

    Chuck Norris

    haha. It's a tad stupid though.
  6. M

    Eye Candy. (do not post your own scooter!)

    How about instead of arguing over some whack weight unit you use real measurement and state it in kilos. Lol. How many pounds to a kilo?
  7. M

    HAHA go kid scooters professionalism fail

    He sent me 5 messages. In one he said "I am one of your countrymen who is a Father of 4 kids trying to invent a Cool new Toy ! You say things that stop me from inventing anymore !" In another " I will take down my videos and NEVER build another Product for Ya'll . You win ...I quit !!" Haha, I...
  8. M

    help with choosing new scooter

    MGP, swap out wheels and headset. Depending on how you ride maybe the bars has anyone tried one of those mini MGP things? they look so fun.
  9. M

    HAHA go kid scooters professionalism fail

    My comment: I made reference to the pothead thing aswell. Also, this guy must be a pedo, he wanted to meet up with you.
  10. M

    inward website fail

    Yeah it's a little slip up. No need to crucify them for it.
  11. M

    How to jailbreak your iPod Touch(step by step)

    I jailbroke 4.2.1 with greenpoison about a month or two ago and it is by far the best jailbreak I have ever used. It is still quick, even though my ipod has only about 200 mb of memory left, and I haven't had any problems with crashing or freezing or whatnot. It's like it's ment to be.
  12. M

    Energy drinks

    Haha they used to sell monster ripper down here but it got banned. Gave people heart palps and chest pains. No joke.
  13. M


    Quickscoping is not that hard in black ops. I really don't know how on earth, but steady aim seems to help when quickscoping. Probably cause it scopes straighter or something? Idk, but the ability to no scope from close to medium range is there aswell. I find myself getting out of close range...
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    I prefer Neptune wool but meh :/
  15. M


    Flyout is "flying" (as per title) out of a quarter pipe, halfpipe and every other fucking pipe you can find, going ridiculously high in the air, doing retarded things like googleplex whips and quadrupple inwards and then landing flat. This form of riding requires scooter decks made from titanium...
  16. M

    If you couldn't feel pain or die...

    Change my name to chuck Norris.
  17. M

    Seriously MGP riders?

    Who wouldn't ? I would probably wait until they took the photo first though. Haha
  18. M

    50 Cent Jokes About Japan Disaster

    It's 50 cent, he is a rebellious clan all by himself. No one really cares what he does cause people gonna get shot up if they start a thing about it
  19. M

    fat kid owns bully

    He is so famous now it's not funny. He got suspended from school and the spoilt runts parents are trying to sue Casey. Hope that shit goes big and puts the anklebiter to shame
  20. M

    Can you skate Street ?

    You can ride anything you want to. Don't hold back cause no one has done it before, be the first person. Use your imagination.