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  1. M

    Watch this movie.

    haha I cbf at the moment. It's 10 at night. I'll watch it tomorrow.
  2. M

    How to own bullies.

    This kid is a legend. If I met him I would shake his hand. I still think he should've gutter stomped him aswell though.
  3. M

    scorpo stunt scooter

    Haha they have been around for like 2 years and they still look like shit. Started off as an eBay brand selling Ken wheels
  4. M

    Blunt Hate

    I dont see the hate. Their bars have done me the last year or so, even though I've slowed down a fair bit. A kid at my local has their wheels and they are so smooth and solid feeling. Never ridden a deck of theirs though... And the crossbar is more bent than broke back mountain
  5. M

    Free Shit.

    Everytime I go to the toilet I get a free shit
  6. M

    your stance on big or small bars.

    I don't like either. I can only ride 20x20 or 20 high 19 wide. No bigger no smaller. Although I love using 17 wides for hucking massive barspins
  7. M

    New wheel idea.

    I smell arguments coming on over who thought it up and blah blah blah. I think it's a good idea, but would look weird as and probably be weak.
  8. M

    proto gripers

    It will effect it the same as it does any other wheel. It's not like they are specially formulated to have different reactions than other wheels when died. Some people say it weakens the adhesive, some people say it bubbles the urethane and some people say it makes the wheel more slippery. Some...
  9. M

    Call of duty movie?

    haha. That was so much bull. Next time I get gutter stomped in the face, I'll wake up, pull a knife out of my chest and throw it at the cunt.
  10. M


    I've got to admit, it is actually that hard to download a font of the internet and then write something in paint
  11. M

    Free Shit.

    Blunt bars Tonnes and tonnes of griptape Bearings MGP signed shirt Thats about it lol
  12. M

    Equalibryum bands

    Of course they work silly. Every human body leans to one side because they have a 3 gram weight difference on each side. I mean every human body does. Naturally, when you place the perfectly weighted band on your arm, it makes the weight distribution even, allowing you to balance better.
  13. M

    Proto full core petition ??

    fuk'n oath I want em back. I was just about to buy some then they stopped making the bastards.
  14. M

    Your Favorite Wheel.

    I've ridden about 5 wheels in my whole life. There was this really awesome one I had that had the best urethane ever but I think it died. I have another one somewhere but haven't found it yet, they are like 10 years old. SO GOOD!
  15. M


    I hate facebook, but I still go on. It's just good to know shit about people that you wouldn't normally. Know what I mean?
  16. M


    How did you do something like that in mspaint? I couldn't even write my name :/
  17. M

    The Ridewire's Status

    You should call it "Boston buns scooter fun".
  18. M

    The Ridewire's Status

    No, a boston bun
  19. M

    Oh my gawd!

    haha this is actually really funny. They are calling there organization "ass" incase they were too retarded to realise that...!/pages/Anti-Scooter-Society-ASS/137883079611164