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  1. issac p

    Mgp graphics on bars

    automotive brake cleaner
  2. issac p


    yup. look what happened to derek seay.
  3. issac p


    mgp lyfe dawg
  4. issac p

    Josh Kish Leaving Phoenix?!?!

    he had a sig phoenix integrated too.
  5. issac p


    totally d00d. thats why i am going to wait for the envy scs to come out. tilt is gay anyways. nobody and their team can flair. what a bunch of posers.
  6. issac p

    Zack Martin | Aura clips | HD

    i didnt say the whole edit was bad. i just think it would be better with a different song.
  7. issac p

    Zack Martin | Aura clips | HD

    good riding, shitty song.
  8. issac p

    Oversized or standard

    depends on your riding style i prefer small scs, but i'd be down to try hic.
  9. issac p

    free shoes (IT WORKED!)

    Take a pic of your doorstep with the package(s) once they get there.
  10. issac p


    are you fucking kidding me? a backwards nimbus on a mgp?
  11. issac p

    Javi Trepat UrbanArtt

    thats probably because urbanartt hasnt given him a deck yet.
  12. issac p

    100 vs 100's street riding

    $4 a wheel is so legit. if only they were 110...
  13. issac p

    District al-2 or proto retro's

    i dont think district bars have backsweep
  14. issac p

    lightest but still strong hic bars

    hep's are probably the strongest, but not the lightest. i've heard hic crows are strong too.
  15. issac p

    George Gartlehner | Welcome To AO

    the song absolutely ruined it.
  16. issac p

    Issac P. vs. Tylerbillman S.C.O.O.T

    its alright. i can wait.
  17. issac p

    Javi Trepat UrbanArtt this was so sick.
  18. issac p

    Which type of rail is the best?

    my friend used to have that rail, but he always left it at my house, so it was basically mine. it was like whatever. it needed wax from time to time, and it would move around if you didnt land on it right. i would just make your own rail. it would be much less expensive too.