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  1. humpurple kushiones

    why cant we have any legit scootering filmers?

    ^^ both of those clips are just you following the subject with the camera. nothing special. you also had steady shot on in the second one.
  2. humpurple kushiones

    Favorite deck?

    thissss. as soon as my phoenix deck dies im getting a pro mod and putting some box reos in it.
  3. humpurple kushiones

    The Natural Disaster Thread

    where im at in jersey theres been earthquakes, and a few weeks ago the flooding was so bad that they had to close the entire downtown area, there was a beamer half submerged in the middle of the road, which is pretty bad for jersey. no disasters really, there was a tornado at the local mall in...
  4. humpurple kushiones

    things you HATE

    when people grab the back of my neck. like WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE YOU GOD DAMN BEANER???!!! my instant reaction is always to plow my elbow into wherever i think their face is as hard as i can. idk why, i think its because i used to be really small and people thought that they could...
  5. humpurple kushiones

    rebecca black censored.
  6. humpurple kushiones


    change your avatar, stop being a gay ass troll.
  7. humpurple kushiones

    rebecca black censored.

    miranda cosgrove is better at singing, she isnt the best though. and she is fucking cute so that makes up for the singing. that screamo shit was actually decent, and i dont really like screamo. lol coolest fag ever...
  8. humpurple kushiones

    New District Deck! (Prototype)

    cool story, dont bump old threads for no reason.
  9. humpurple kushiones

    Parts that your saving up for!

    he used to ride for micro you noob.
  10. humpurple kushiones

    rebecca black censored. HAHAHAHA
  11. humpurple kushiones

    rebecca black censored. i realize that mirandas was uploaded after, but i still think rebecca saw it before somehow and copied her swagger. off topic but miranda cosgrove is cute as hell.
  12. humpurple kushiones

    Energy drinks

    i know it was everywhere in spain, but they dont sell it in the us so i took a can home. same with burn, that stuff was amazing.
  13. humpurple kushiones

    rebecca black censored. idk if its just because im tired but i lold so hard at 0:50 edit: that actually goes with the song.
  14. humpurple kushiones

    play it or delay it

  15. humpurple kushiones

    fat kid owns bully

    epiccccccccccccc also interview with the bullys mother.
  16. humpurple kushiones

    Nicholas Baton Evasive Edit

    you arent that good either get over yourself. sick video broo.
  17. humpurple kushiones

    fat kid owns bully

    ... there a bunch of news crews... the question was who not what.
  18. humpurple kushiones

    hunter bechtle web bangers

    stop with that stupid word. just because someone doesnt like something doesnt make them a "hater". that word annoys me sooo much when people use it out of context like that. trying to justify someone not liking something by calling them a "hater" is completely retarded. this video is the best...
  19. humpurple kushiones

    fat kid owns bully

    who is interviewing him?