veryyyyyy steazy tuck. 9.947103
mine might be hard to see, 180 bar off the most crappy ramp made out of a shopping cart and wood, its like a trampoline. oh wearing a burger king crown :)
dual eagles
heely bearings ( yes they are amazing as hell)
qcs pegs
phoenix deck 4.5
lucky nork threadless
fsa pig
inward redneck compression
inward bars
district light clamp because it look gnar
odi grips
home depot griptape.
its going down
gs320 or hv30? I really like the 3 ccd in the 320 and really dont like the colors in the cmos in the hv30. and should i get a cap cam to capture footy?
i live in dover nj, its 99 percent mexican, no one else scooters aside from the little kids, no skatepark, and i live on top of the mountain so getting downtown sucks.