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  1. humpurple kushiones


    thats not teh funny... i wouldn't have done that
  2. humpurple kushiones

    LILTONY lets go

    hahahah god damnit freddy <333
  3. humpurple kushiones

    LILTONY lets go

    so lets make it legit if im going to loose anyways.. 3 days to set unless there is a legit excuse?
  4. humpurple kushiones

    LILTONY lets go

    omg dude. uhhhhh. im going to get super creamed. but if it will make you happy... great now im playing 3 games.. aytron wont be back so its 2.
  5. humpurple kushiones

    LILTONY lets go

    can you dubwhip flat?
  6. humpurple kushiones

    LILTONY lets go

    your right dude. i dont feel like getting embarrassed and pwned that badly. ill play you someday but as of now im going to get slaughtered
  7. humpurple kushiones

    LILTONY lets go

    LOL NO! im going to get my ass kicked strait up.
  8. humpurple kushiones

    Limit Scooters: UPDATE January 24th

    ^^ lol freddy if we play fair and have a limit like 3 day unless it rains or theres a legit excuse then it should be really close and no. that is a funny joke though
  9. humpurple kushiones

    80�° and 82�° Special Xt angle

    im sure there are a few who have ridden 90. i have (before the thread i made). it got really old and annoying. then i went less steep and now it feels soo good.
  10. humpurple kushiones

    What weighs more?

    prolly the same but buffs are better and stronger and nicer and the originals.
  11. humpurple kushiones

    Hookah smokers?

    I've never been to one because i dont like tobacco at all. There was one near my town but they closed it because people kept putting weed in their hookahs.
  12. humpurple kushiones

    FS BRand Sz 1 peice bars

    but cj is trying to make sr his little business so no one should buy it. cj shipping is not that much. and cj ships for free
  13. humpurple kushiones

    wow john d aka aytron challenges me to a game of scoot
  14. humpurple kushiones

    1 piece decks?

    i want to see this cedar scooters made some last year idk if they have anything in plan. you have to talk to tom loforese proto obviously matt might inward? heavy metal scooters? what happened to that? jondogg has the most kickass deck like ever rob forman that one guy...
  15. humpurple kushiones

    FS BRand Sz 1 peice bars

    soooo true. xt fork huh? so right now cj is basically trying to make 35 dollars off an xt fork? haha no one buy this.
  16. humpurple kushiones

    FS BRand Sz 1 peice bars

    why would you sell something you got a day ago? tom how much did he pay for them?
  17. humpurple kushiones

    FS BRand Sz 1 peice bars

    omg! are you kidding cj? no one buy these. he isnt legit
  18. humpurple kushiones

    [poll] WEIGHT

    your cool at least im not a liar /thread
  19. humpurple kushiones

    [poll] WEIGHT

    yes. as much as i can. your an idiot. i hate liars soooo much. i hate liars as much as murderers. i HATE it when people lie about the most useless thing and make it so obvious just cause they think its cool. i absolutely HATE it.