We sent an inspector over, I can't remember his name right now, in fact we had several people telling the Bush administration they had no weapons. However, of course they dismissed that info.jules said:to Danny warwick
1. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1022824/posts
there are the facts, Most of the world, even Iran saw evidence of WMD
2. American soldiers mass looting in Irag? I don't know where you heard that. Anyway the fact is Saddam Hussein killed thousands of innocent civilians in his own country so his removal from power is hardly a bad thing. Now I agree with you that we have spent too long and spent too much on this war. It was waged incredibly ineffectively in the beginning without the decisive strike that was needed. Only since after the surge have things really started to settle somewhat over there. The US is handing parts of Iraq back to Iraqi forces and we are beginning to come closer to being able to pull out of there.
3. lol as I research this I see more and more people discounting torture as a method to obtain information, although these are only people posting on blogs and the like with opinions etc I do find theirs and your points appealing. Now obviously it has the potential to be unreliable but so does any other inetrrogation method, I simply don't feel that the use of torture should be discounted against terrorists (not soldiers, or law abiding citizens) in all circumstances. There are so many hypothetical situations that people throw around advocating and discrediting torture that it is hard to judge its effectiveness until actual data is released.
4. Our special forces troops are subject to waterboarding to prepare them for psychological rigors of enemy interrogation and capture. Waterboarding is not cuting a finger off or shocking people with electrodes, hell yea it's incredibly uncomfortable but it doesn't cause lasting physical damage.
edit: to tannar, waterboarding is an interrogation technique that simulates drowning to obtain information (it is not actual drowning), and I love threads like this because I love to talk politics, this is in the Discuss anything section not scooters lol
again don't hate i'm just saying what I believe
We know torture doesn't work. The "mastermind" of 9/11 was tortured into saying that, it was shown last week he was said that out of fear of his family being killed.
And so what if waterboarding causes no long term damage? Coming to the brink of death is pretty damn scary and if someone has the choice between going through days of nearly suffocating to death or spitting out some fake information, they'll no doubt take the latter.
You want to tell me I'm not smart and then ask what is waterboarding? I don't claim to know everything do I? I guess actually spelling out words makes me look like a know-it-all? I read hours daily about politics, and I do feel I am more up to date than most kids my age. I don't want to sound cocky, but I'm not a fucking idiot. I know that because I've researched it, and on this particular topic I wrote a 15 minute speech over that I won a debate tournament with. I have done the research and that leads me to be a democrat because I agree strongly with what they believe in. If I didn't think about the other side or hear the other side I wouldn't be in a debate class, show me your facts and then talk shit.tanner markley said:wtf is waterborting
and how the fuck do you know that we didnt have evidence he had weapons??
pretty sure you havent even graduated high school yet i highly doubt you know shit about our govt secrets
what reason does he have to put our country into war for absolutely wtf is wrong with your head he was the president why the fuck would he do something like that obviously hes not some random redneck that likes to blow shit up he knows his shit
i dislike obama but if he says that someone has weapons and puts us into war im gonna believe they have weapons he obviously knows his shit if he got elected
you have a democrat based mind and dont even think about the other side of things seriously your not the smartest person on this website stop thinking it
i know im not but i know ive taken a lot more govt and economic classes in college than you have
tanner markley said:thanks im sick of these democrats and their pussy ass way of solving shit
the democratic party gets the lower class votes for a reason... MOST of them are pussys and cant do shit them selves and complain because things arent "fair" to them
try living in a city that was top 10 for most illegal immagrants in the US you guys will see things differently
fucken legit post im agreeing with you on just about everything you said if not everything
mad respect man one of the few ppl who actually gets their facts strait before posting their annoying opinion without thinking
sean kane also he looks like he knows his shit just has a completely different view of things than me but i understand he lives on the complete other side of the country and has a whole different situation i gotta admit i might think of things differently if it wasnt for living in LA with a bunch of fucken stupid fucks who dont speak english and complain cuz they couldnt graduate high school, not to mention the annoing fagget homos in hollywood
The democrats get the minority votes because they actually give a shit about the lower class. I agree with helping everyone including the poor. And I live in Houston, right on the other side of the border. And no, living in a city with so many illegals has not made me a republican. I don't agree with anything in the republican platform.
Tanner you need to do some research before posting.
p.s, thanks dibbs <3.