Barack Obama 44th President of the United States of America

jules said:
to Danny warwick


there are the facts, Most of the world, even Iran saw evidence of WMD

2. American soldiers mass looting in Irag? I don't know where you heard that. Anyway the fact is Saddam Hussein killed thousands of innocent civilians in his own country so his removal from power is hardly a bad thing. Now I agree with you that we have spent too long and spent too much on this war. It was waged incredibly ineffectively in the beginning without the decisive strike that was needed. Only since after the surge have things really started to settle somewhat over there. The US is handing parts of Iraq back to Iraqi forces and we are beginning to come closer to being able to pull out of there.

3. lol as I research this I see more and more people discounting torture as a method to obtain information, although these are only people posting on blogs and the like with opinions etc I do find theirs and your points appealing. Now obviously it has the potential to be unreliable but so does any other inetrrogation method, I simply don't feel that the use of torture should be discounted against terrorists (not soldiers, or law abiding citizens) in all circumstances. There are so many hypothetical situations that people throw around advocating and discrediting torture that it is hard to judge its effectiveness until actual data is released.

4. Our special forces troops are subject to waterboarding to prepare them for psychological rigors of enemy interrogation and capture. Waterboarding is not cuting a finger off or shocking people with electrodes, hell yea it's incredibly uncomfortable but it doesn't cause lasting physical damage.

edit: to tannar, waterboarding is an interrogation technique that simulates drowning to obtain information (it is not actual drowning), and I love threads like this because I love to talk politics, this is in the Discuss anything section not scooters lol

again don't hate i'm just saying what I believe
We sent an inspector over, I can't remember his name right now, in fact we had several people telling the Bush administration they had no weapons. However, of course they dismissed that info.

We know torture doesn't work. The "mastermind" of 9/11 was tortured into saying that, it was shown last week he was said that out of fear of his family being killed.

And so what if waterboarding causes no long term damage? Coming to the brink of death is pretty damn scary and if someone has the choice between going through days of nearly suffocating to death or spitting out some fake information, they'll no doubt take the latter.

tanner markley said:
wtf is waterborting

and how the fuck do you know that we didnt have evidence he had weapons??
pretty sure you havent even graduated high school yet i highly doubt you know shit about our govt secrets
what reason does he have to put our country into war for absolutely wtf is wrong with your head he was the president why the fuck would he do something like that obviously hes not some random redneck that likes to blow shit up he knows his shit
i dislike obama but if he says that someone has weapons and puts us into war im gonna believe they have weapons he obviously knows his shit if he got elected

you have a democrat based mind and dont even think about the other side of things seriously your not the smartest person on this website stop thinking it
i know im not but i know ive taken a lot more govt and economic classes in college than you have
You want to tell me I'm not smart and then ask what is waterboarding? I don't claim to know everything do I? I guess actually spelling out words makes me look like a know-it-all? I read hours daily about politics, and I do feel I am more up to date than most kids my age. I don't want to sound cocky, but I'm not a fucking idiot. I know that because I've researched it, and on this particular topic I wrote a 15 minute speech over that I won a debate tournament with. I have done the research and that leads me to be a democrat because I agree strongly with what they believe in. If I didn't think about the other side or hear the other side I wouldn't be in a debate class, show me your facts and then talk shit.

tanner markley said:
thanks im sick of these democrats and their pussy ass way of solving shit
the democratic party gets the lower class votes for a reason... MOST of them are pussys and cant do shit them selves and complain because things arent "fair" to them

try living in a city that was top 10 for most illegal immagrants in the US you guys will see things differently
fucken legit post im agreeing with you on just about everything you said if not everything
mad respect man one of the few ppl who actually gets their facts strait before posting their annoying opinion without thinking
sean kane also he looks like he knows his shit just has a completely different view of things than me but i understand he lives on the complete other side of the country and has a whole different situation i gotta admit i might think of things differently if it wasnt for living in LA with a bunch of fucken stupid fucks who dont speak english and complain cuz they couldnt graduate high school, not to mention the annoing fagget homos in hollywood

The democrats get the minority votes because they actually give a shit about the lower class. I agree with helping everyone including the poor. And I live in Houston, right on the other side of the border. And no, living in a city with so many illegals has not made me a republican. I don't agree with anything in the republican platform.

Tanner you need to do some research before posting.

p.s, thanks dibbs <3.


Komlodi. said:
Whether or not Obama ends up being a good president or not, hes the Kennedy of our era and I'm proud to be alive while this is going on. Kids at my school are wearing Obama shirts, people are chanting his name, hes more popular then any president in a while. And it was only a few hundred years ago that it was legal to own black slaves, and now we have a black man in charge of the country, we should be damn proud of how far we've come.

You guys can argue the finer points of Obamas presidency, I'm just happy to be around for something as historical as this.

He's the Kennedy of our era? He's only been in office one day! How can you say that? He hasn't done anything to prove that yet!!

My prediction is that he makes a whole bunch of new deal policies that prolong this recession. He is already going to put restrictions on offshore drilling, meaning we have to import gas from the Arabs yet again, causing gas prices to rise.

In closing down Guantanamo bay, he is giving people who arnt even citizens of this country, who want to do harm to this country and the rest of Western Civilization, the same rights that you and me have. Keep in mind that almost all of the inmates at Guantanamo, when questioned, said that they would return to the battlefield to kill Americans. Some already have. We've got a guy with almost no experience who is more concerned about being "a citizen of the world," then watching out for America first.

Ironically, the reason we have the most Far-Left president in history is because of George W. Bush and his presidency, not to mention the embarrassing campaign run by John MccShame. In closing I personally believe that nothing is going to change. There is no way he is going to make good on his promise to lower taxes and all of the other promises he said he would do. We will still be in Iraq and Afghanistan (he might be given the credit for winning the war in Iraq, when it was Bush who ordered the surge. Ever wonder why you almost never heard about Iraq in the news anymore?) The economy is still going to suck, the N-word will still be around and there will still be racism.


Steel Member
we initially had reason to believe that there were WMDs, we found out that there were none after we had already entered iraq. it wasnt some sort of top secret information that we had been keeping for ten years. we found out after we got there.
CodyChirichiell said:
we initially had reason to believe that there were WMDs, we found out that there were none after we had already entered iraq. it wasnt some sort of top secret information that we had been keeping for ten years. we found out after we got there.
because we gave them to them hahaha.

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
why would bush give them wm..... nvm i think i remember seeing something about bush in 1992 with iraq making some kind of billion dollar deal or something. completely forgot what it was about though


Charles_Doidge said:
f dsnohshjsffdh

you and tanner obviously have some stong views and i really think thats awesome, i wish more people gave a shit about what happens in this country.

you both need to do some more research though. i dont mean this an insulting way, but when i read your posts its like i'm reading the mind of a young bill o'reilly. check out the huffington post sometime. it definitely has a liberal bias, but maybe it'll balance out your thought process.

and about gun control: i live in west philly. we have one of the highest murder rates in the country. thats why i think we need MUCH stronger gun control. its way too easy for criminals to get guns. in my opinion, everything besides hunting rifles should be illegal, but i realize i have a more radical view on that than most people.
seankane said:
Charles_Doidge said:
f dsnohshjsffdh

you and tanner obviously have some stong views and i really think thats awesome, i wish more people gave a shit about what happens in this country.

you both need to do some more research though. i dont mean this an insulting way, but when i read your posts its like i'm reading the mind of a young bill o'reilly. check out the huffington post sometime. it definitely has a liberal bias, but maybe it'll balance out your thought process.

and about gun control: i live in west philly. we have one of the highest murder rates in the country. thats why i think we need MUCH stronger gun control. its way too easy for criminals to get guns. in my opinion, everything besides hunting rifles should be illegal, but i realize i have a more radical view on that than most people.
haha huffpo will definitely even that out.

but really tanner, i mean no offense above, make an account on and stick around for a few weeks though.

and sean i agree with you on gun control just not quite to that extent.

Matt Ogle

to tanner and charles - dan really is a political genius. you should see some of his democratic talk show pictures ;). Hes just realllllllllllllly stubborn and wont change his ideas for another mastermind republican view, much less your underthought/mildly informed arguements. I agree with both of you guys though in two different senses (dan and tanner), just remember- Dont hate because of politics <333


seankane said:
Charles_Doidge said:
f dsnohshjsffdh

you and tanner obviously have some stong views and i really think thats awesome, i wish more people gave a shit about what happens in this country.

you both need to do some more research though. i dont mean this an insulting way, but when i read your posts its like i'm reading the mind of a young bill o'reilly. check out the huffington post sometime. it definitely has a liberal bias, but maybe it'll balance out your thought process.

and about gun control: i live in west philly. we have one of the highest murder rates in the country. thats why i think we need MUCH stronger gun control. its way too easy for criminals to get guns. in my opinion, everything besides hunting rifles should be illegal, but i realize i have a more radical view on that than most people.

although i may be a conservative i'm not too much of a fan of bill o'reilly

tanner markley said:
thanks im sick of these democrats and their pussy ass way of solving shit
the democratic party gets the lower class votes for a reason... MOST of them are pussys and cant do shit them selves and complain because things arent "fair" to them

try living in a city that was top 10 for most illegal immagrants in the US you guys will see things differently
fucken legit post im agreeing with you on just about everything you said if not everything
mad respect man one of the few ppl who actually gets their facts strait before posting their annoying opinion without thinking
sean kane also he looks like he knows his shit just has a completely different view of things than me but i understand he lives on the complete other side of the country and has a whole different situation i gotta admit i might think of things differently if it wasnt for living in LA with a bunch of fucken stupid fucks who dont speak english and complain cuz they couldnt graduate high school, not to mention the annoing fagget homos in hollywood

it's great to see that you have such strong convictions but let's try and keep this clean and respectful
<3 this thread
love talking politics
anyway i think eventually these threads die out because everyone has their own believes and everyone sometimes tends to be a little stubborn (myself included) when it comes to changing them, i respect everyone's opinion on here and wish yall the best


Tanner and Charles know what they are talking about
i guess id call myself a republican but have seen myself turning towards the other party lately, seeing both sides ideas on many issues. i hope obama does a good job in office, i hope everyone who gets sworn in does, but i see many flaws in obama's plan.
Such as:
-universal healthcare (which i guess he just like everyone else gave up on)
-no offshore drilling (keep giving OPEC money)
-he isnt going to make the economy better out his ass somehow
upon others
but everyone keep posting their opinions
i <3 this thread


This problably the worst thing thats ever happened. Obama is a democrat and is going to do horrible. His ideas are going to make things worse. Just like Nate Baker said his ideas are horrible. And if he gets assasinated (which threats have already been made), All of MLK's work was worthless because all of the racial issues will start again. Im not racist but i HATE democrats and I think Obama is going to screw up badly in office and then everyone is going to hate him after a while. I think hes a good guy and stuff its just that hes already making bad mistakes...

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
Forest Etter said:
This problably the worst thing thats ever happened. Obama is a democrat and is going to do horrible. His ideas are going to make things worse. Just like Nate Baker said his ideas are horrible. And if he gets assasinated (which threats have already been made), All of MLK's work was worthless because all of the racial issues will start again. Im not racist but i HATE democrats and I think Obama is going to screw up badly in office and then everyone is going to hate him after a while. I think hes a good guy and stuff its just that hes already making bad mistakes...
and the republican before him did so good?
dude if you dont pay for your own bills you cant even have an honest say in politics cuz life will change once you have to pay for absolutely everything yourself im done with this thread you guys can talk all the shit you want on eachother cuz 95% of you cant even vote so your say means absolutely nothing

and to liltony
try being president and having control over the entire country shits not easy
i cant wait til obama fucks us over and than all you ppl who thinks your so badass for saying bush is an idiot can shut the hell up

i personally think all democrats are pussys and have bitchass ways of solving things
who gives a fuck if we tortured people
they would torture us if we were in their situation so get your head out of your ass and realize that


liltony said:
Forest Etter said:
This problably the worst thing thats ever happened. Obama is a democrat and is going to do horrible. His ideas are going to make things worse. Just like Nate Baker said his ideas are horrible. And if he gets assasinated (which threats have already been made), All of MLK's work was worthless because all of the racial issues will start again. Im not racist but i HATE democrats and I think Obama is going to screw up badly in office and then everyone is going to hate him after a while. I think hes a good guy and stuff its just that hes already making bad mistakes...
and the republican before him did so good?
Not very. But im just saying Obama is going to 10x worse than Bush ever was.

-and tanner your totally right about democrats!


ok whoa i can understand being upset about obama's election but seriously i know there are democrats on this site and you HATE them when you haven't even met them? You might hate their politics but don't just judge ALL democrats and over generalize.
my best friend is a democrat and i'm conservative it's w/e i don't judge the person based on their politcs.
Forest Etter said:
This problably the worst thing thats ever happened. Obama is a democrat and is going to do horrible. His ideas are going to make things worse. Just like Nate Baker said his ideas are horrible. And if he gets assasinated (which threats have already been made), All of MLK's work was worthless because all of the racial issues will start again. Im not racist but i HATE democrats and I think Obama is going to screw up badly in office and then everyone is going to hate him after a while. I think hes a good guy and stuff its just that hes already making bad mistakes...
What has he done bad so far?

- Closed Gitmo within a year = awesome.
- Asked military advisers to come up with a plan to end the war = awesome.
- Froze white house salaries = awesome.
- Overturning bush's law to conceal records = awesome.

What has he done that is bad so far? And, why do you "HATE" democrats? Give some examples.

CodyChirichiell said:
"not everything that we talked about during the campaign are we going to be able to do on the pace we had hoped."

i love idealism

no shit haha, he made that known throughout his campaign. he said straight up he won't be able to get much done in 4 years.