Tyler Boner
well i've been riding one about 7 days.. its dead. iw ent to the park..and now it justd ead. they suck ass i dunno how anyone prefers them to pro models. i just decided to try one since mmy b is all cracked to shit. and the whole foldy just died once i was showin my dad a flip at woody. btw. i only did like 5 flips on the thing..6 tops. and i noticed when i was leaving thepark it was ll movin hardcore and shit.. so i put my foot on the brake and pushed up then down and it died. lol.whole thing ripped off. how does anyone like them. they aren't easier to do anything on. they don't ride better. they sure as hell aren't stronger. so y not ride pro models instead. ppl like cary. i don't get it. just tell me your ideas on them.