Steel Member
As you can tell, I prefer to observe quietly, and have only started posting again recently. I've noticed that this forum's gotten a lot more positive, and generally carries more visitors. As I've found out, scootering was really something that I enjoyed(and still do enjoy) but a big part of my life right now is the career I am aspiring to. As a separate piece of the whole "get to know you" buzz that this forum has, use this thread to talk about what you aspire to be, do, etc. Use it to ask questions, give advice, and encourage others.
So; for a basic guideline.
What do you want to do?
Why do you want to do it?
Anything you're doing now to get involved?
Advice you have for other people looking to get into it.
So; for a basic guideline.
What do you want to do?
Why do you want to do it?
Anything you're doing now to get involved?
Advice you have for other people looking to get into it.