HAHAHAHA lol, you made me laugh, seriously when you said "is english your second language." I didn't realize how bad I typed that sentence. LOL
But on a more serious note, why bother trying to dive into those areas of the unknown if we can never know?
where we came from is a question we will eventually answer. where we're going.. probably not. its possible but very very unlikely.
the big bang addresses the beginning of the matter and the spacetime continuum of our universe, exactly what caused the big bang isnt known, although theoretical physics allows us to narrow down what it could have been.
the james webb telescope will hopefully help us figure that out if the government gets their heads out their ass and gives it the funding it needs.
and hey, if they look through that telescope and see a dude with a huge beard in the middle of a non existent plane, ill gladly believe theres more to the universe than just the physical reality we know of today.
where we are going will always be a mystery, although i shouldnt say it's completely impossible because literally anything is possible, its so improbable that we're basically just going to have to imagine what could happen for the rest of human history without an actual answer. if we ever find an answer, it wont be from a very old book, it will probably be from type 3 civilization (extraterrestrial) that already figured it out.