i want my scooter to be dialed, but i wont take it all apart unless i need to for some other reason to dial it. all i need are grips, griptape, bolted fodly, bars my size preference, and fast wheels.
idc at all for about a year and a half i rode a old A model that wasnt bolted so it wouls scrape on the ground if i rode over a bolt but cuz of christmas mines dialed now
I like my scooter to be dialed to where when I ride, it doesnt make a sound, if I here jiggles I have to fix it lol. but if its something like bearing spacers or a fucked up barend like today that cant be fixed, I just ignore it.
wheels cant be loose and neither can be my headset to the point it wobbles alotttt alittle doesnt bother me but very little and my foldy cant creak or ill flip out