Eye Candy. (do not post your own scooter!)


I own WSP.
Eye Candy.



Hep Greg

Eye Candy.

you dont need to see the steertubes, you can see the discoloration from the gas & the heat of the welding on the metal.


Steel Member
Eye Candy.

Brian Boston said:
Stevenson-Scoot said:
Zach Schilling said:
Andy Rhode said:
Zach Schilling said:
JDBen said:
jdben dosn't like girls!!
nahhh he just turned 14... give him a few months for his nuts to drop then i guarantee it will change lol
I am 14 and mine dropped in like 4th grade so I was like 9 or 10
Sorry for big pic.
You just won SR IMO.

I can't believe they actually made Stan's wheels... that font is horrible and so is the potleaf.

holy fuck this is quite possibly the funniest thing I've seen on sr ever