R - Dubya how bad is your life because you seem to bask on people alot and i feel sorry for you man.
1. My keyboard is small misspelling words happens, i meant bash.1. "Bask on people" makes no sense.
2. My life is fine, man up.
3. mgp_man told me to come on here and be a dick.
1. My keyboard is small misspelling words happens, i meant bash.
2. You need to man up and stop talking shit on scooter forums all the time what kind of man does that.
3. So you do everything someone tells you to do like a sheep, that doesn't seem like a man to me lmao.
Well you told me to man up when your not being a man. And someone told you to so you do it, pretty dumb.1. Fair enough.
2. Completely irrelevant.
3. See number two.
Only if someones talking shit to me and i am call me out on it.Devin I seem to remember that you used to talk shit to me on here as well, so you talk shit on scooter forums as well.
they should take out the little bit between both holes
if i had this deck i would paint an eye where the top cutout is and a mouth where the bottom cutout is