i like the cut outs haha
devinthedew2 Steel Member Jul 13, 2011 #4,044 Why dont they make it a square or a side ways oval cut out?
A alec logan Bronze member Jul 13, 2011 #4,045 just traded my old really small wings for these, brand new
D Dusty Member Jul 13, 2011 #4,046 They should keep it the way it is. EDIT: alec logan, those are beautiful.
devinthedew2 Steel Member Jul 13, 2011 #4,050 wow lol i kinda wanted those but i would rather have sliders.
Billie Rainbow Silver Member Jul 13, 2011 #4,051 the cut out is like im guessing as its different and if the middle bit wasnt there, you would most likely bitch about them biting off the cut out on the addict
the cut out is like im guessing as its different and if the middle bit wasnt there, you would most likely bitch about them biting off the cut out on the addict
J Joe Collins Member Jul 13, 2011 #4,053 If they didn't have the middle piece on the cutout. People would start bitching and saying that they stole it from addict. Or frid
If they didn't have the middle piece on the cutout. People would start bitching and saying that they stole it from addict. Or frid