FEMA Camps

Frank T

Silver Member
nope, south tower collapsed at 9:59am, north tower at 10:28 am (the two collapses caused all the damage), and wtc 7 at 5:21 pm.

Ohh your talking about tower 7 my bad haha, yeah I thought you ment the north and south, but I'm so with you about conspiricy series, total bs. Or it was aliens

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
well actually.. if you look at the top right of the pics taken that day really closely you can see something, could be aliens i dunno.


Grant Schofield

Silver Member
You better check your facts.... building 7 was the FIRST high rise steel structure building in the history of the world to fully collapse from fire. There have been many many high rise steel buildings that have burned for much longer, with bigger,hotter fires...some as long as 20+ hours with no collapse. Its also came down in a perfectly symmetrical manner, straight down, collapsing in on its self, and at free fall speed for over the first 100 feet which means there was zero resistance. When buildings collapse there is NEVER zero resistance, except in a controlled demolition.

Again, check your facts....fire has NEVER in the history of the world caused any high rise steel building to completely collapse. Except on 9-11 when fire brought down three in one day...Amazing.
Here is a link to one of thousands of good videos on real 911 truth...not the governments bullshit conspiracy theory. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lw-jzCfa4eQ

I'm not telling anyone what to believe...I was just commenting on how you seem brainwashed and think "you have it all figured out"... on every subject.... maybe your dad is a CIA agent and has fed you full of government propaganda your whole life and its not your fault. Either way... keep it up and you'll have a good paying job working for the CIA, FBI or some other corrupt government organization when you grow up.;)
Of course i would rather see you wake up to the truth... but people like you don't usually change their ways.

Watch the video if you want.


Im pretty sure a plane crashed in to the buildings too typically that tends to weaken stuctures.


Watch the video from thousands of architects and engineers that know the obvious truth about 911, it will answer a lot of questions and explain why so many of you act/feel the way you do about these subjects.


Don't be scared of the truth... watch it all the way to the end... if you have the balls.

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
i skipped to a random part in the video and it stated "wtc 7 is the first steel building to collapse because of fire" which i just addressed. i dont care if they're architects, they're wrong. if they just leave out the obvious truth that wtc collapsed due to 7 hours of uncontrolled burning, i dont care about anything else they have to say.

you are just like adam rouse, stop listening to youtube videos if you're going to sit here believing it without question like a religious sheep and trying to convince us of something you dont have real evidence for. the twin towers collapsed because they were hit by gigantic fucking planes going really fast, wtc fell because no one put out the big ass fires burning inside of it for over 7 hours. this isnt that hard to understand nor is there any obvious conspiracy behind it.

ive even seen videos of fire being pushed out of the twin towers during the collapse, and architects saying those are bombs, when it's blatantly obvious that when 2 things come together, the air in the middle (and fire) get pushed out the sides. the youtube videos you watch take everything into account aside from one thing... COMMON SENSE.

stop being stupid.


Anthony, you obviously know nothing about steel or high rise steel structures.
I know a LOT about steel, metallurgy, high rise steel structures, ect. I studied them all extensively in collage over 10 years ago when i got my associates degree in Welding Technology.
Like i said I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything.
I was originally just stating that you seem very brainwashed and i threw in "9-11 was an inside job" at the end just because i knew it would get you going:rolleyes:.


Troll Moderator
Staff member
I know a LOT about steel, metallurgy, high rise steel structures, ect. I studied them all extensively in collage over 10 years ago when i got my associates degree in Welding Technology.

No way? Really?

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
Anthony, you obviously know nothing about steel or high rise steel structures.
I know a LOT about steel, metallurgy, high rise steel structures, ect. I studied them all extensively in collage over 10 years ago when i got my associates degree in Welding Technology.
Like i said I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything.
I was originally just stating that you seem very brainwashed and i threw in "9-11 was an inside job" at the end just because i knew it would get you going:rolleyes:.

does your extensive knowledge include the fact that steel starts to weaken at less than 1000 degrees? does your extensive knowledge also tell you that the combustible materials INSIDE the buildings burned a lot hotter, and that jet fuel ITSELF (without the shit in the towers) can burn hot enough to structurally weaken steal? and does your extensive knowledge allow you to put all of that together with the fact that the weight of the top half of the towers is so massive, that it's nearly impossible for a structure thats been hit at 450 mph by a flying bomb and weakened by 1000+ degree fires for an hour to not pancake on itself at it's weakest point? coupled with the potential energy of hundreds of thousands of tons of steel, does that not make the pancake theory a nearly perfect representation of what happened?

and about me being brainwashed, all i have to say is "lol". you arent an expert dude, you're a joke. but please feel free to keep this debate going, im entertained. i dont think your 2 years in college did much for you.


please feel free to keep this debate going, im entertained.

There is no need to, you proved my point exactly.
There is no use even trying to debate with someone like you...I've dealt with tons of kids your age who think they know it all and have the world all figured out....when really all they know is propaganda about history, science, ect they've been taught in school by the department of education... who teaches you only what they want us to know.... a system that churns out kids who think just like you. They write (their version of) history...you probably believe the pretty little story about how Thanksgiving started too and how when they landed on shore in America they had a nice little picnic together with the Indians.... oh wait, they massacred the Indians.
Like i said from the beginning, i don't care what you choose to believe and there is no point arguing with someone like you. Especially when all your sheeple groupies on here who think you're smart because of your arrogance (and because they don't know any better themselves) will chime in and with stuff like "win" or "anthony strikes again" or "this" or some other brainless comment no matter what you say.
You have got a LOT to learn about the world man that is all i have to say.

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
There is no need to, you proved my point exactly.
There is no use even trying to debate with someone like you...I've dealt with tons of kids your age who think they know it all and have the world all figured out....when really all they know is propaganda about history, science, ect they've been taught in school by the department of education... who teaches you only what they want us to know.... a system that churns out kids who think just like you. They write (their version of) history...you probably believe the pretty little story about how Thanksgiving started too and how when they landed on shore in America they had a nice little picnic together with the Indians.... oh wait, they massacred the Indians.
Like i said from the beginning, i don't care what you choose to believe and there is no point arguing with someone like you. Especially when all your sheeple groupies on here who think you're smart because of your arrogance (and because they don't know any better themselves) will chime in and with stuff like "win" or "anthony strikes again" or "this" or some other brainless comment no matter what you say.
You have got a LOT to learn about the world man that is all i have to say.

your entire post has nothing to do with the fact that i just demonstrated the fact that you're wrong with facts.

Frank T

Silver Member
your entire post has nothing to do with the fact that i just demonstrated the fact that you're wrong with facts.
Factception! Even though I'm mainly a spectator in this I have to give it to Anthony, he knows his stuff and actually researches it. I'm kinda the same way like in real life, not so much on Sr


Silver Member
does your extensive knowledge include the fact that steel starts to weaken at less than 1000 degrees? does your extensive knowledge also tell you that the combustible materials INSIDE the buildings burned a lot hotter, and that jet fuel ITSELF (without the shit in the towers) can burn hot enough to structurally weaken steal? and does your extensive knowledge allow you to put all of that together with the fact that the weight of the top half of the towers is so massive, that it's nearly impossible for a structure thats been hit at 450 mph by a flying bomb and weakened by 1000+ degree fires for an hour to not pancake on itself at it's weakest point? coupled with the potential energy of hundreds of thousands of tons of steel, does that not make the pancake theory a nearly perfect representation of what happened?

and about me being brainwashed, all i have to say is "lol". you arent an expert dude, you're a joke. but please feel free to keep this debate going, im entertained. i dont think your 2 years in college did much for you.

Ant for pres.! He just did the equavelent of raping your mom while your just looking on without a hope of helping her.


your entire post has nothing to do with the fact that i just demonstrated the fact that you're wrong with facts.

Yeah, facts.... just like the NIST report, popular mechanics, and the 911 report...
Yep, using facts that only support your predetermined conclusion and leaving out facts that go against the official story.
All of the "reports" and investigations into 9-11 so far have been only based on facts that support the governments official story and have been a total insult to science, physics, history and the family's of the people who died on 9-11.
There has yet to be anything even close to an unbiased investigation into the events of 9-11 that is based on FACTS.
Go back to sleep America, your government has it all under control, go back to sleep.


Wow you're such a tough guy Anthony.:rolleyes:
I told you i was done with you several days ago...there is no point arguing with someone like you. Its like arguing with an extreme christian or athiest that is scared of anything that challenges thier beliefs.
My grandfather always told me to never argue with an idiot.
You go ahead, stay in you're comfort zone so you can keep your rosy colored picture of America. You government wouldn't want to hurt you...they are there to protect you...right?
Whatev man.

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
1) all i am doing is asking you to prove your claims.
2) atheism is not a belief system. its JUST the lack of belief in a god and its as justified as the lack of belief in santa. you're making it sound like its comparable to extreme christianity so im just clearing that up.
3) this entire page is filled with facts that prove you wrong and you sit here calling me an idiot simply for asking you to prove your point.

its because you can't, you're wrong and you're going to keep posting bullshit excuses and diversions to avoid addressing the real facts and proving your uneducated point.