You better check
your facts.... building 7 was the
FIRST high rise steel structure building in the history of the world to fully collapse from fire. There have been many many high rise steel buildings that have burned for much longer, with bigger,hotter fires...some as long as 20+ hours with no collapse. Its also came down in a perfectly symmetrical manner, straight down, collapsing in on its self, and at free fall speed for over the first 100 feet which means there was zero resistance. When buildings collapse there is NEVER zero resistance, except in a controlled demolition.
Again, check your has
NEVER in the history of the world caused any high rise steel building to completely collapse.
Except on 9-11 when fire brought down three in one day...Amazing.
Here is a link to one of thousands of good videos on real 911 truth...not the governments bullshit conspiracy theory.
I'm not telling anyone what to believe...I was just commenting on how you seem brainwashed and think "you have it all figured out"... on every subject.... maybe your dad is a CIA agent and has fed you full of government propaganda your whole life and its not your fault. Either way... keep it up and you'll have a good paying job working for the CIA, FBI or some other corrupt government organization when you grow up.
Of course i would rather see you wake up to the truth... but people like you don't usually change their ways.
Watch the video if you want.