fingerboard setups


Tech deck bushings are crap. They come loose really easy after a few grinds, and the new ones are impossible to adjust. Plus bushings are cheap.


Try getting a non Tech Deck board. The difference between a wood deck and a TD deck is amazing.
Parts I recommend trying:
Primo decks:
Halfpint decks:
Flatface wheels, decks, bushings, tuning, etc.:
Substance wheels:
Static bushings:
Arctic tuning:
And theres always the US fingerboard shop:
sean and owen i wanna see ur setup and ur skills.... vid/pics cmon haha
how long u guys been doin this? i can kickflip now lol but not consitant cuz i have no control lol it feels amazing to catch it hella high hahaha ima n00b at fingerboarding

edit: yay i got control now haha and i get kickflips 2/10 ish lol got the flipping down, i just cant do it over stuff or while moving yet :). todays my first day tho haha
Madis said:
Yea, Andy, there's a whole scene behind it.

At the moment:
stock techdeck with custom oversized bushings and skategrip

In a few days i should recieve:
Eurollt's wheels (for those who don't know about fingerboards, they aren't plastic, they are rubber with aluminium core),
a FlatFace deck with colored middle ply w/ colored exotic bottom ply,
some DOOM griptape to test,
and some decent TD hangers.

I just felt like seeing what some of that stuff is and there is one scary coincidence:

I found this forum called and I saw a thing for Flat face decks. The kid who makes them is Mike Shneider. Where is he from - ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTES!!!!! He lives right next to me and we used to be good friends...Who knew? So I decide to get in contact to him and I find out that he's really into it, but he is so gnarly at these things. I gave him some money for a deck and there really is a difference.


Yeah Mike is a really gnar guy. Service is great, wheels are great, decks are great. Everything is great about FlatFace. And go over to his house sometime, hes got a fingerboard park.


I was thinking about fingerboarding, and I found a major bad point. You can't skate around and meet other skaters. Unless you're fingerboarding at the skatepark and you meet a fellow fingerboarder haha.