fingerboard setups


grantstark said:
sean and owen i wanna see ur setup and ur skills.... vid/pics cmon haha
how long u guys been doin this? i can kickflip now lol but not consitant cuz i have no control lol batch it feels amzing to catch it hella high hahaha ima n00b at fingerboarding

edit: yay i got control now haha and i get kickflips 2/10 ish lol got the flipping down, i just cant do it over stuff or while moving yet :). todays my first day tho haha
I filmed something just for uuu. Sketchy. Easy. First try.
I'm really not filming much lately because Im waiting for parts to come. But yeah.
EDIT: holy balls, 25 MB? Lemme convert that to .wmv. K done.
haha nice sick owen... u coulda edited that to like 2 seconds tho but w/e cool, shoulda filmed in front
still happy u posted tho.
ur turn sean lol
yupp double and bump deal wit it
just tryin to keep this thread alive lol

[link] (u gotta wait for utoob to process tho)

kickflips from today cuz i was helllla bored and had nuttin else to do
very sketchy i know

and thats not my real voice lol its not gay or high like that haha
any pointers to make my kickflips better?

edit: well no1 is replying to my posts and im not gunna triple post lol so yea... i learned heelflips!!! woot haha i learned kickflips and heelflips in one day each lol (FBing is funn)


i got one, really cool lol, my best trick is kick to tailslide ( 30 cm high book ).. really cool to skate in school ,
okay ive been fingerboarding all of a day lol and this is what i go so far

plus i can do tons of grinds and shit but i didnt post cuz they are easy and gay without a trick into or out of it unless it is a crazy hard grind.
its pretty fun and hasnt gotten old yett lol


Damn, you progress quickly. Sign up for (its been having some problems as of late but whatev) and buy some stuff like wooden decks and shit if you really wanna get into it.
ya i think im gunna get a C24 normal shape wooden deck from the usfbshop or w/e and maybe substance non bearing wheels... are they good??
edit # 2: actually ill probly get FF tuning and bushings and bearing FF wheels woot
o and riptape lol (i got lost of money layin around from xmas and bday burning a hole in my pocket)

and yeah i havent signed up for the forum but i go there every once and a while to check it out, but it almost never works it gay...

and owen, in one of ur vids it said u had a sponsor or sumptin, who is it or what is it that u r sponsored by and how did u get sponsored??
edit # 3: by Core FB if i remember, and i looked on their site (found on FFI), and ur not on the team, then i looked through the CORE FB threads and u wenret in them. how did u get sponsored by them lol

edit # 1: owen ur almost at 1000 posts lol 4 more


I'm quitting them because he never updated the site with my name even though he said I was on. It's been like 3 months and he hasn't sent my sponsor package, and he let EVERYONE on. GAY. Sick about your setup man! It will be soooo rad. C24s are great along with FF bearing wheels. Rip is pretty sweet too. I've only got one sheet of it, and some other stuff (C24 Smoothtape) which is exactly like rip.
ya sounds like a gay sponsor...
ya my new setup should kill im getting hella tired of tightening my trucks every 2 seconds lol
should i get c24 harcore shape or normal.. im leaning towards normal..
im sad primos anrent for sale right now cuz they are so cheap but w/e c24s look way better lol.
do wood decks give you more pop?? how are they a lot better?
i have an idea to the questions' answers but im just clarifying
okay sweet. did u feel that when u received ur wood deck, that you were instantly improved because of the new wood deck over ur old tech deck?

edit: page 4 woot
okay sooo...
tonight (probly) im gunna order a c24 deck and FF bearing wheels
the trucks i will be using are from a stock tech deck... i have trucks from both the new and old styles. if i buy the tuning and hardware from FF also which trucks will the wheels work with? the new td ones or the old td ones?
the reason i am asking is cuz it says incompatable with standard tuning or sumpthing and doesnt work with tech deck g17s... sumpthin like that too lazy to go back and read
u can read it tho lol [link] (go to wheels section and look undere bearing wheels)
so yea and answer would be amazingly helpful anyone
edit: are c24s epoxy glued ??

edit # 2: i just ordered a c24 normal shape wooden deck yay haha anyone order from before and know how long shipping will take??
and i found out bearing wheels from flat face are outta stock ugg ill stick with stock tds for now and order tuning and bushings when i order the bearing wheels when they come back in stock.

edit #3L went to buy riptape (one set)... shipping was 0.01 pounds and it was 20 eur to ship to US. wtf!?!?!? 7 dollar item and shipping is like 25 bucks. anyone in the US sell riptape???