Fuel Efficient Cars


yamaha yfz450


Margaret said:
nnnnick r. said:
one is it out yet and two how much

yes, $100,000
and there was JUST a thread like this.

i dont want to come of mean but i think that was a first car thread this is a thread asking what car has the best mpg but looks cool too


It's all about driving well, any car is gonna get shitty mileage if you hammer on the gas and slam on the brakes all day long. Keep the rpms low, coast to stops, and don't accelerate fast and you'll save so much gas.

Tommy Napolitan

Alex Steezeman said:
It's all about driving well, any car is gonna get shitty mileage if you hammer on the gas and slam on the brakes all day long. Keep the rpms low, coast to stops, and don't accelerate fast and you'll save so much gas.

not an option.
yea alex if you want to tell everyone you drive like a bitch to save gas just say it haha jk
yea my car gets over 20 mpg which is fine with me i usually am just cruising around now adays saving gas anyways i actually drove a week and kept my rpms under 2000 i drove like 200 miles and barely wasted a quarter tank
i got a new intake and exaust too so that helped out my mpg a lot too