Gnarly street spots

Jamie Gantz

Steel Member
sax said:
the 2nd spot is in this video-

Brian Boston

I got myself banned.
MichaelMartinez said:
Devon Garcia said:
sax said:
i think thats in san francisco?
do you think it would be possible to lipslide like the top of it
Addison rides this in like his debut mini video mad long ago when he smashed his head on that ledge in the beginning.

J-SLICE said:
sax said:
the 2nd spot is in this video-
Im pretty sure el toro is RIP. There was alot of fuss about it like a year ago.

Brian Boston

I got myself banned.
I thought i saw photos on SP of the bottom of the stairs with barriers at the bottom so the landing was mangled, might have been a different set at the same school though.


Steel Member
i have heard so many rumors. the most bizarre one i have heard, was thaat it was going to be made into a 5 flat 5 flat 5.
This place is about 15 minutes away. It's filled with all different sizes of full pipes, 6ft. to 20 ft. in diameter. They're all smooth metal, and some are staked on top of each other so you can ride about 20 ft. off the ground haha.
