Heaven? i rode that beforeanthony c said:second one looks like river bank ice rink like near thatStevenEsposito. said:
dep water plant or some shyt like that
one is obviously the banks
the last one is where jon shot a part of his micro sponsor me
on one other was where jon won potw
and the one before the last one is where
part of scootsgving was filmed
I didn't even know there's a wallride haha.Alex Steezeman said:Dude, it's all about the wallride there. I didn't even touch the blocks.
i think thats where johan moreau did like a grind to 360 whip out or something like thatgeorgGartlehner said:
You guys dont pay attention to tricks huhaNthony c said:i think thats where johan moreau did like a grind to 360 whip out or something like thatgeorgGartlehner said:
in the french id team video