Gnarly street spots


omg! imagine how fast u would go down that damn thing! or if u stood 100ft up it and then dropped in u would be flllllyiiiiinnngggg toooo


Steel Member
There is one by my old house in cali, when it dries up or drains you can ride down in on a bike. although it isnt that big its pretty massive.
anthony c said:
StevenEsposito. said:
second one looks like river bank ice rink like near that
dep water plant or some shyt like that
one is obviously the banks
the last one is where jon shot a part of his micro sponsor me
on one other was where jon won potw
and the one before the last one is where
part of scootsgving was filmed
Heaven? i rode that before
Heaven's not that fun haha.
It would seem like it's fun, but you can't really do a lot there.
It's pretty much just a really nice 3 or 5 block, and I've never sac'd up to the 5 block, but I tailwhip'd, 180'd, barspun, and 360'd the 3 block.
It also has a surreal vibe, which is cool for videos and stuff.
aNthony c said:
georgGartlehner said:
i think thats where johan moreau did like a grind to 360 whip out or something like that
in the french id team video
You guys dont pay attention to tricks huh
Johan Moreau fs feeble to 270 bar/whip out
Marko Szabo fs feeble to whip out and fs feeble to fs smith

ill get a better pic later but this gap is pretty big when your actually looking at it first time i ever tried snapped my dek right in half and when u land u gotta stop right away cuz the street is right there too but pretty legit
and no im not doing a bonelss/ no clomply idk y it looks like that