Gnarly street spots

Jordan Jasa

Silver Member
issac would say he would nosedive and not do it. here is one he would do:


and some more while i'm at it






and finally...


Grant Schofield

Silver Member
That set is too gnarly for mere mortals. Only Isaac Miller, Josh Young, or the Addict team could hope to attempt this and not die. And Helmeri Pirinen.
And Nolan Sorenson could probz trip whip up it.
But I found this exquisite rail and bank. It's a blacktop bank between two parking lots, completely paved, about a 25-35 degree angle of the bank, at least 20 feet long, and the rail was perfect. Just above hip height when standing (I'm 5'7") super solid, and it was one of those fancy rails with flattish top and little curliecues at the end. It was just orgasmic to look at.

Unfourtunately, it was next to the police department and a baptist church in the middle of a North Dakotan town with about 600 people in it.
And I didn't have my scooter with me.

hahahahahhahahahahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahaha i laughed out loud hahaha