Gnarly street spots


Steel Member
I don't know about tricking it. I want to roll into it though. Its so gnarly in person.

and Stefan but that rail is the biggest bust we always get kicked out in like 5 minutes because its at a veterans hospital.

Doing anything on that spot would be gnarly. Footplanting off the bottom bank would even be gnarly.

and I want a rail like that around me to learn on so badly but every rail here has a kink and is round.


Steel Member
Found some spots today since it was beautiful out and I had nothing to do. Rode my bike around town.





there is this really sick flat bar rail down the street from my house its so perfect and there is a rock that acts as an awesome kicker i will try to get some pics later when it stops raining


Bronze member
I always drive past these pretty abandoned spots that seem really good for scooting and skating. If I can I'll go down there this weekend and check it out on foot.


Steel Member
The best place to find spots would be anywhere with lots of buildings.

Specifically downtown areas, citites, colleges, schools, shopping malls, anywhere with loading docks, etc.

It all really depends though. You just have to search everywhere.


Steel Member
In the uk behind supermarkets - there's always ledges, some are really high and good for tricking off, others are relatively low but sick for grinds. Also pallettes and boxes are stored behind which is good fun. I'll get some pics up soon.